#91 Steven Stamkos

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(Y/N) = Your Name


You and your husband Steven Stamkos of 2 years, marriage was currently in a dilemma. You guys were arguing non-stop and it was just terrible. It was mostly because of Steven's attitude. Ever since the Tampa Bay Lightning made it to the playoffs, all his focus was on winning the cup. He didn't care about anything else other than winning, which hurt you a lot. Not only that, but your mom also had a brain tumor, which added more to the stress. You stayed home that night watching Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Final, since you and Steven threw some harsh words at each other yesterday night, and not to mention, you balled your eyes out. You didn't want all the other hockey wives looking at your red eyes and asking you what happened making you remember what had happened which would make you break down even more.

You were plopped on the couch, watching the game until you got a phone call. You picked up the phone.

''Hello is this (Y/N) Stamkos?"
You heard a female voice say.

"Yes this is her." you replied back.

"Oh hello well I'm calling from the City Hospital and I wanted to inform you that your mother is currently in the emergency room undergoing surgery for her tumour."

You froze.

"Oh um thank you very much for informing me."
You replied back holding back tears.
You hung up the phone, and quickly grabbed your keys, driving to the hospital.

When you got there you went to the front desk asking which room your mom was in. After they told you, you rushed as fast as you could. 30 minutes later, the doctor came out.
"How is my mom!?" you asked questionably.

"Well, she had collapsed. Her condition is very critical, especially since her tumour has spread to different parts in her body and is slowly killing her brain cells. I'm sorry Mrs. (Y/N) but she doesn't have many chances of surviving either. You can go meet her if you want."

"Yes thank you." you replied back with tears in your eyes.

You ran in and saw your mom, on the bed, eyes open, looking at the ceiling.

"M-m-mom?" She looked over to you and you rushed over to her crying, the hardest you ever have.

"M-mom please don't leave! I don't know what I'd do without you. I already lost dad, and now I'm slowly losing Steven and please I don't need you to go now! I need you!" you exclaimed talking fast while tears came streaming down your face.

"Honey I-I'm sorry. " your mom replied with her groggy and weak voice.

"I can't do anything. I love you very much and I always will. I-I know things aren't going well between you and Steven. Give him some time and he'll be okay. Both of you guys will be okay." She said quietly smiling.

"And I hope to see some grandkids soon." Your mom said weakly.

"Oh m-mom" you whispered crying.

"I love you honey" whispered your mom.

" I love you too. A-always will. I-I'll miss you. " you whispered gently kissing her forehead.

You started quietly weeping.

After minutes, you then looked over to your phone to see a message you got 10 minutes ago stating that Tampa Bay had lost the Stanley Cup finals. You started crying even more thinking that Steven might be devestated and he might blame himself for this even more. After 5 minutes of sobbing, you felt a strong pair of arms wrap you into a hug. You looked up to see Steven, and his watery eyes.

"It's ok shh'' he said trying to comfort you.

"I lost her. I lost both of my parents Steven" you said sobbing into his shirt.

"Hey you still have me." Steven whispered to you.
"I know I've been acting like a big time jerk in the past few weeks and I'm truly sorry for that. " he whispered.

"It's ok. I understand also. It's hard."
"Yeah" Steven muttered, his hands still wrapped around you.

"But you lost the cup." You said quietly not wanting him feel bad.

"The cup doesn't matter. That's the least of my problems. You're more important. I love you so so much and always will (Y/N)." he said to you.
"I love you too Steven." you replied, hugging him tighter.

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