#32 Jonathan Quick

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For NHLgirl22 

I hope you like your imagine! I know it's a bit short, or maybe not I don't even know, but I tried 😁.

"Jonathan just a teaspoon!" You scream to your boyfriend of 3 years.

"Its nasty! Gosh Y/N why don't YOU try it?" Jonathan replies back emphasizing the 'you'.

"Well as I can see, I am not the one who's sick here." you reply putting your hands on your hips.

Jonathan lets out a loud sigh.

"Fine." he replies back after some time.

You let out smile and make your way over to him while putting the soon in front of him with the medicine and feed it to him.

"Good boy. Now go back to bed. You need rest." You pay his back and lead him onto the bed. He pulls the covers over his body and closes his eyes.

2 hours later, Jonathan was still asleep. You decided to watch some TV in the meantime while he was asleep. 10 minutes later, you see Jonathan enter the kitchen. He goes right to the fridge and opens the freezer. He grabs a carton of icecream, and goes to grab a spoon. You get up from your spot on the couch and make your way over to him.

"What do you think you're doing?" You ask.

"I want icecream." He shrugs and opens the lid of the carton.

"Nuh uh." You walk over to him with the carton and snatch it away from him.

"You're already sick, we don't need germs hanging around the house for a longer period of time."

"But I want icecream! I'm craving it. Please Y/N?!" He begs.

"I don't see you pregnant so I have no idea why you are craving it." You chuckle to yourself.
"Look, I just don't want you getting worse. Please? I'll make you some of my chicken noodle or potato soup."

Jonathan looks at you for awhile.
"Okay." He smiles back. He makes his way over to you and envelopes you into a hug. You hug back before making a joke about his cold.

"Eeee germs!" You pull away pretending to be disgusted.

"Oh really? Don't worry I'll get you back for that." Jonathan winks at you.

"Alrighty then. I'll start cooking." You reply and turn around to put an Apron on. Jonathan goes into the living room and makes himself comfortable. You decide to make your famous potato soup. As you peel the potatoes, you look over to see Jonathan eyeing the container of icecream. Walking to the icecream carton, you grab a spoonful and shove it into your mouth, smirking at Jonathan.

He looks at you shocked.
"As I said, I'll get you back. Don't you worry." He winks before focusing on the TV again.

After half and hour, your soup is done. You pour some in a bowl and hand some to Jonathan. He takes the bowl and eats the soup quietly.

"Thank you for taking care of my sick butt. I appreciate it." He looks up at you while speaking.

"No problem." You reply back smiling while running your hand through his hair.

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