#19 Beau Bennett

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"Beau you ready yet?" You yelled upstairs as you slipped on your pair of heels. Beau came rushing down the stairs before grabbing his jacket and sliding it on himself.

"Yes I am. Shall we?" Beau says as he makes his way to the front door and holds it open, then locks it and motions for you to loop your arm into his.

"Yes we shall." You answer back.
You guys were both going to a dinner party that Kris Letang and his wife were throwing, so you decided it would be a great idea for a nice one evening getaway.


Once you guys got there, you made your way to the front door and ring the bell. There you were greeted by Kris and his wife Catherine.

"Hello Y/N! It's nice to see you again!" Kris says as he pulls you into a hug.

"It's great to see you guys too!" You reply back as you retract back from the hug and go in and hug Catherine.
"Come on in!" Catherine says and smiles at you and Beau.

As you make your way inside, you see some other wives and girlfriends, and greet them. Couple hours later you are sitting on the sofa with a glass of wine in your hand, talking to some of the people around you. You are currently in a deep conversation about college and the courses you take, until someone makes a little cameo.

"Hi sorry to interrupt, but Y/N I need you for a just a second." Beau says grabbing your hand gently.
"Yeah of course. Excuse me." You say to the lady you were talking to. Beau leads you away from the people.

"What's up?" You ask a little concerned.

"Just not feeling too too well. Can we go home? I feel like I drank a little too much or something." Beau says running a hand down his face.

"Oh no. That's not good. Looks like I'm gonna have to make you some chicken soup or something. Yeah let's go home." You tell him as you go and grab your jacket. You make your way to Catherine to say goodbye.

"Hey I'm sorry I'm going to have to leave a little bit early. Beau isn't feeling well." You tell her.

"Oh ok it's alright. I hope he feels better. I hope to see you again sometime. Bye!" She says as she gives you a hug and soon after your walking out the door. You decide to drive and let Beau have some rest as he doesn't speak the whole ride to your house.

Once you guys get home, Beau instantly goes into the room and takes a shower. You decide to change your clothes and make him some chicken noodle soup. You start cooking. When he comes out of the shower, you take some Advil and water into his room, and tell him to get some rest. Soon after he falls asleep, as you gently stroke your fingers through his hair. You once again make your way into the kitchen and check on the noodles, preparing the rest of the soup.

An hour later finally, everything's done.  You pour some into a bowl and take it into the room. You see Beau stirring, so you decide to wake him up so he can eat.

"Hey I made you some soup." You whisper. He opens his eyes and looks at you while you place the soup on the bed table.

"Common you gotta eat something."
You say as you pass him the bowl. He gives you a weak smile and eats the soup. After he's finished you take the bowl away from him. Right when you're about to leave he grabs your hand.
You turn around and look back at him.

"Thanks for everything. I honestly love you." Beau states and gives you a small smile. You smile back at him and give him a small light kiss on his forehead.

"I love you too. Now get better soon and you'll get a proper kiss." You say teasingly and walk out, not before glancing at Beau one more time and seeing him pout.

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