#50 Corey Crawford

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For NHLgirl22


Here you were, exiting the doors of the doctors office after receiving the news that you were expecting a child with your husband Corey Crawford. You were already 2 months pregnant. Getting into your car, you started driving back to your house while thinking of ways to tell him your pregnant. Once you got an idea, you went to the store to get some props, and soon returned home.

When you got home, you'd discovered Corey would be home in a while after hockey practise, so you decided to set up the house. You placed your sonography picture on the table, along with the mini hockey skates and hockey stick you bought at the store.
With the balloons you bought, you blew up some of the pink and blue ones, and put them all around the room. You put extra balloons on the table so Corey would realize the picture and gear.

Soon after you heard a jingling of keys and realized Corey was home. Corey made his way to the little living room.

"Having a party aren't we?" Corey jokes around coming up to you and pecking your lips.

"Go check what's on the table." You order him smiling.

"Huh. Okay..." He questions.
Corey makes his way to the table and you fidget with your fingers. You watch him as he lifts up the pregnancy test and inspects it. He finally turns around.

"No way. You better not be joking around with me." Corey states looking at you.

"Yes Corey I'm joking around with my pregnancy. I'm actually pregnant you fool!" You exclaim.

"No way." He whispers and pulls you in for a hug.

"We're gonna be parents!" He yells. You let out a chuckle and hug him back tighter.

~ 5 months later ~

"I'm never ever becoming pregnant ever again." You state as you flop down on the couch.

"Is your back killing you again?" Corey asks.

"Yup. Why can't men carry the baby? Us women go through enough hell!" You exclaim as Corey lets out a chuckle.

"Here I'll give you a massage." Corey offers.

"Thanks." You reply back. You turn around and lay down on your belly and realize it's not really easy with your baby bump. You take a pillow and cushion it by your belly so it becomes more comfortable. Corey starts massaging your back and soon enough you fall asleep.

3 hours later you wake up to the smell of pizza. You jump up and make your way to the kitchen. You see Corey wearing an apron standing by the counters and cleaning up. And there it was, the beautiful pizza which is crazy thinking Corey made it.

"Did you actually make this?" You ask him and reach out for a slice.

"I might've tried and received lessons online and from the team." Corey states proudly.

"It's really good. Thank you!" You reply back devouring the pizza. You set the pizza down, and make your way over to the jar of pickles and grab one and take a bite. You go back to your pizza and take a bite of your pizza, alternating between the pickle and pizza, while Corey looks at you weirdly and confusingly.

~ 2 months later ~

Finally after 9 whole months, you were in the hospital room waiting for the doctors to come in, and tell you to start pushing. Your contractions had started and you were in pain.

"Why can I just go home? It hurts." You whisper to Corey with tears in your eyes.

"Hey, hey sshh I know it hurts, but you can do this." He replies back kissing your forehead and wiping the tears with the pad of his thumb.

Soon enough, the doctors came in a prepared you for the birth of your baby. After almost an hour of pushing, your little baby boy CJ was born.

"We're finally parents." You whisper to Corey.

"Yeah. Man I love both of you guys." Corey states kissing your forehead.

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