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As we sit in the helicopter all is silent. No one dare says a word. We are too overwhelmed by all the past events. Escaping the maze, finding out who did this to us. And more importantly all those we have lost. As I sit there I think of Chuck and how he didn't deserve the death that he got. He died too young. I still have he's grin in my mind. The way he was like a little brother to me and how he was annoying but fun to be around at the same time. How he was so caring. As is think of these things I get tears in my eyes. Then they disappear and I have a surge of anger and hope to god that my mother is dead. Make my father suffer a loss. I lost both of my siblings. I want him to have pain. Though I doubt that she's dead. I mean she's at WICKED and they cure people like that. Although they can't cure the flare without watching teenagers die. Then I feel tired so I let my eyes droop and I fall into a well deserved sleep.

(A few hours later)
After a few hours of sleep Minho wakes me up saying that we are at a dorm. I sit there and wait for the door to open. When it does we all walk out to see where we are. Yep still in desert but, we are at a place that says it all. This is where will eat and sleep. They unlock the door and we walk in. It looks amazing. Then we see food. We all run over and start digging into the food. Right now it is nighttime so I would say this is our dinner. After dinner we get told that we must go to bed. We all go to walk towards the dorm but Gabi and I are stopped which makes everyone else stop.
"Girls must sleep in a separate room." A guard says. I snicker not listening to them.
"There's no way in hell we are sleeping away from these guys." I say and shrug them off. I go to the boys and stand with them they try to persuade me but I stand my ground. "Let her go." I say and they let her go. With that we walk off and go to the dorm. Here aren't enough beds for all of us so I share with Minho and Gabi shares with Newt. As we all go to sleep I stay awake. I'm not tired and I don't think I can after everything we had gone through. It just doesn't seem right. I shrug it off and go to sleep. As I'm sleeping I feel someone trying to wake me up and get me out of bed. Then they succeed and start dragging me along the floor and I can see Gabi. By now I am completely awake. I scream at my loudest and they drop me.
"Don't worry about her. She has drawn too much attention now. We'll just have to take the one." I tear up knowing that they mean Gabi and they're out if sight. By now they boys have come to see if I was ok.
"Katie what happened? Where's Gabi? Are you okay?" They all ask me questions and all I can do is cry. My best friend. Gone. I may never see her again. I get up and run to a door. Any door. I just want to be alone. Unfortunately though that doesn't happen b cause they all chase me. Until I hear a voice.
"Guys. Stop and leave her alone. She wants to be by herself so let her." I smile knowing that Minho knows what I want. I slide down against the door at finally let the tears come. I let out all emotion that I have been holding for the past few days.
"You okay?" I smile knowing that it's Minho who has come.
"Well I almost got kidnapped then watched them take my friend. So no." I say before letting go of a sob. He sits down and hugs me. Calming me down instantly.
"It's ok. We'll find her." After that we just sit there without saying a word. The we decide to go back to the dorm. When we get there I am once again bombarded with questions.
"Ok to answer all of your questions Gabi was kidnapped I'm fine now and take a seat." They do as I say so I tell them the story. Afterward they are all shocked and Newt looks like he's on the verge of tears. As everyone leaves the room I walk over to a newt who hasn't left yet.
"I'm just as upset with it as you are. I tried but I couldn't." I say trying to calm him.
"It's ok. As long as you tried but, there probably wasn't anything you could do about it." We sit there thinking about the possibility that Gabi is still alive and won't die. Though we can't be certain. After a bit I get up and go back to bed with Minho. I climb up the ladder and I see that he's still awake. He smirks but then his face goes into a serious expression.
"Did you hear anything?" He asks. I shake my head. No. Then I hear it. It's an inhuman scream. Something that just doesn't sound right. By now everyone is up and looking out the windows. I crawl over the bed to get a better look. Though I see nothing. I try to look through the steel bars but I can't. There's nothing to see but darkness.
"There's nothing out there. It's probably just in the distance." I say surprisingly calm.
"Yeah well it must be close because it doesn't sound that far away." I shrug my shoulders then go to lay down. But I hear a shatter of windows. Then another. And another. I scramble to the other side of the bed right before the window next to our bed breaks. Glass goes everywhere. No glass IS everywhere. On the floor, on the beds and on the pillows. Then we see it. And hear it. Me and Minho look around the room and everyone is screaming. It's like they're running for their lives. Then we figure it out.

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