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The next morning I wake up to the vibration of my watch and the beeping. I get up and off the bed and quickly go into the bathroom. I have clothes so it isn't much of a hassle. I strip off and hop in the shower. The hot water feels so good and I try not to spend much time in. After a few minutes I get out to hear a few gladers groaning and urging me to hurry up. I giggle to myself and quickly get dressed. I grab a hairbrush and my clothes and walk out.
"Jesus Katie. You take forever." Thomas says and I giggle to myself.
"I am a girl. We take our time." He chuckles and shakes his head. I walk off while finding Minho who is of course sleeping. I climb up without waking him up and jump on him. He flings his arms around trying to hit whoever jumped on him. Then his eyes find me and he stops. I am laughing like crazy and he is still rubbing sleep from his eyes.
"Not funny." He says but, I still don't shut up. Soon he is laughing along with me.
"I think it is." We calm down and sit there.
"Why did you wake me up?" He says and I give him the are you serious look.
"Hmm. Let's see death, trails yesterday." Soon the memories come flooding back and he understands. He gets up and off the bed and gets ready. I sit on the bed brushing my hair. We all have special clothes for these trials. Especially me. I don't know why but, the creators gave me shorts. I mean shorts. They are the shortest shorts I have ever worn and I have a feeling I have a lot of eyes on me. Hi nature around and surprise surprise all the remaining gladers are looking at me. As soon as they notice my stare they look away as if nothing ever happened. I turn around and shrug it off. I get off the bed and go to the dining room. I have a bag that belongs to me so I gather all the food and water we might need and put it in the bag. When I'm done it is full to the top and the food isn't even gone yet. The others have to make their own bags out if sheets but, I go a my own bag so I'm enjoying it. I go to the wall where Ratman or Janson once stood and waited with the other gladers. Because of Minho's tattoo saying that he's the leader he took over Newts role of the leader. This should be amusing. Then he starts he's oh-so-great pep talk.
"Be careful don't die." He says and I just laugh or try to hold it in but can't. I look around and see Newt shaking his head. "What is it Newt?" I continue to laugh while he's being all serious. I just can't help it.
"Oh just admiring your leadership skills." He says and this time I just laugh out loud. This is hilarious.
"Well what does this say." Minho says pointing to his collar or his neck. By now I have sobered and taken over.
"Ok guys as funny as this is we should really get down to business. Now I know this is all really scary. But, we have survived the maze. Surely we can survive all this. Remember we have each other and we will help each other. So that is my bit and I will add Minho's bit. Be careful and don't die." I say and check my watch just as I do the flat trans appears.
"Ok me and Katie will go first, then newt and Thomas will take the rear." Minho says now sounding serious. I nod my head in agreement while gripping his hand. Man I'm scared. We look at each other then go through.

Minho's POV
When me and Katie walk through the icy chill and her hand is all I feel. Although the chill is only for a second. We look around and all we see is blackness. We move say from the way we came to let others come through. Just as we do we hear the familiar British accent cuss.
"Hi Newt." I say after he's little cuss moment.
"Hi. Where are we?" He asks.
"Don't know. Now move towards my voice so others won't crash into you." Judging by the shuffling footsteps he has started moving. I hear Katie digging through her bag in came here is anything useful. Then I feel a gust of wind shoot past my ear and Katie scream in success.
"What did you find?" I ask while rubbing my ear.
"I found a flashlight. I just hope it works." She flicks it on and immediately it illuminates the tunnel.
"Yes!" I say. Now we have light and we don't need to worry about crashing into walls and such. She points it towards to way we came so that we can see who is coming through. After a minute or so Thomas steps through and all of us are here. I number off just to make sure that everyone is here. Once we finish me and Katie lead the way to open air and towards the safe haven. Who knows, maybe we will find peace after all of this.

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