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We look around. Wanting to know what made that sound and more importantly where it came from.
"If they are shuck grievers I am going to kill them like no tomorrow." Thins said. Don't blame him. Those things suck.
"Nah i don't think they are." I say. Then coffins start rising out of the ground. Several circles are in the ground. Inside them are coffins. Rising from the inside. Then they open. They slowly painfully open.
"We should check it out. Me Newt Thomas and Minho." I say. We all bid our heads and start walking towards the circles when something starts to come it if them. Looking deadlier than grievers.
"Guys." I say. They look over and run. Me in the middle and Minho of course in front of me.
When we reach were the group is they start coming out. They are disgusting! They have blubbery like skin and light bulbs on every joint. And many on the chest and back. A girl passed an arrow to me. I know what to do. Jut hope I don't lose it in the process. I start jabbing at the creature. It doesn't work. Every now and again I'll had to duck as I don't want my head cut off. Then I hit a bulb. It wailes out in pain. Then another. The bulbs are its weakness I say to myself.
"Guys hit the bulbs. It's their weakness." I shout out. I continue to jab the bulbs in my creature. Every time it loses strength.
After jabbing about twenty there a a few more left and it is very weak right now. I jab the last of them and it drops dead. Yes! Just the. I hear the rumble of thunder. Then a flash of light. Oh no.
I run into a tube where it stinks but will have to do. Minho and Newt are behind me so getting three in will have to do. Just as we get in it starts raining. Making life that much harder.
"How long until WICKED comes to get us?" I ask.
"Ten more minutes." Newt says. I kid my head and we sit there. Then a strike of lighting hit the coffin. Making a hole in the roof. Rain fills the coffin instantly so we make the decision to get out.
With all our strength we push open the coffin and we are greeted with a lot of rain.
"Come on. We should help. What is here like another minute?" I say. Yep. We start running towards others who are having trouble.
Then we hear it. The familiar sound of a berg. I run towards it and grab Minho on the way. As we are running Newt falls because of his leg. Epic go back and help him. He limps along but tries to be as fast as he can. Just as the berg is about to take off we get on. Me struggling a bit because it is off the ground. I feel someone grab my hand. It's Aris. He pulls me up and I smile even though he was a traitor to us. Especially Thomas.
Whe I get in the berg I run over to Minho who is battered and bruised but living.
"Who are these imposters?" Someone asks. Or more like shouts.
"They helped us through the scorch. Trust me they aren't dangerous." Thomas explains.
"They have the flare. Of course they're dangerous."
"Please let them stay."
"One can stay. The other will go." Thomas thinks for a minute then comes up with an answer.
"Kill her." Thomas says and points at Brenda.
"What? No!" Brenda yells. The guard grabs her and brings her close tithe still open hatch. By now Brenda is crying. Then Thomas once again jumps in knocking the guard off his feet. Brenda scrambles to her feet and pulls Thomas off the guard.
"We have had enough death." Thomas says. By now the guard is smirking.
"Congratulations! You have passed the trials." He says. "There is food and nice showers through that door."
We made it through. Now the actual test that will never end is surviving in a world gone bad.

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