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Hey guys, I know that the storm in the book is during the day but, I am going to make it at night.
Thx you awesome people.

As we were walking I get a little sleepy but, it is almost daylight so I can hold out for another hour. We have been walking/running all night and it tires someone out. I continue to walk and put up with my tiredness. Everyone is starting to get tired but, knows that we can't stop until six am. After an hour it is six am so we settle down and put the sheets over us so that we don't get horrible sun burn. I lay down on the ground and Minho does the same and soon we are out like a light.

~Time skip~
There is two hours until sunset and I have woken up. So has Minho and Newt so we are quietly talking amongst ourselves. We don't want to leave just yet so we let the gladers sleep a little longer. Soon Minho decides that we should start heading.
"OK EVERYONE GET UP! TIME TO LEAVE!" Minho says and instantly everyone is groaning and begging for five more minutes. I get up and pack up everything so that we can leave as soon as everyone else is ready. Minho starts to help and sure enough we are walking with sheets over our heads. Wind starts to blow making us clutch the sheets tighter. As we're walking we see two people running up to us. We stop and look at each other unsure of ourselves but, by the time we decide that we should run away they have reached us.
"Are you cranks?" They ask.
"Wow. Not a hi, hello or how are you?" Minho says but,I nudge him in the stomach making him double over in pain.
"We just want to know if you're cranks." They ask.
"Yes. We are." I say making up the biggest lie possible.
"Ok. Because otherwise you would catch here in his wasteland. Be careful of the storms. They get pretty intense." They say before running off. We look at each other then decide we should keep walking.

~Another time skip~
Two hours, and we are still walking. We have watched the beautiful sunset so of course being the dork Minho is he kissed me. I giggled at him and everyone laughs at his blushing figure. We continue to walk close to the city. We are about five miles away and the wind has begun to blow harder and thunder is starting to sound. I am getting nervous. I have only witnessed one of these storms and almost died. It was scary and a day I wish to forget. As we are walking Thomas sees someone sitting on the ground, severely affected by the sun.
"Hey! Who are you?" Minho asks rather harsh. Tom then takes over of trying to get him to speak but, whatever he is saying comes out in a low whisper. Soon Thomas bends down to his mouth.
"Run. The storm is coming." The guy says. That's when it started. Lightning struck the ground just a few feet behind us.
"Alright everybody run!" Minho and I say at the same time. We run as fast as we can. Dodging bolts and narrowly avoiding death. As we are running I see Winston go and I have to hold back tears. I keep running, hating the fact that I can't save any of these people. As I was running alongside Minho a bolt comes a strikes Minho, making me go back due to he force. I lay there, ringing in my ears. Then I come back to reality, I get up and find Minho beating flames trying to put out the mini fire on his chest. I start to shovel sand on his clothes and soon we are running again. I help Minho along as his burns from the bolt are slowing him down. We enter a building that we saw first just as the rain came as if it was sorry. I put Minho on the ground and sat next to him. Just then do I realise that I most likely have burns of my own due to the bolt that struck us both. I inspect my body and find several. I get over the pain and check to see if Minho is alright and thankfully he is peacefully sleeping. I get comfy and put my head in his shoulder.

When we enter the building that Aris found I feel relieved. I made it and so did Aris. Katie and Minho are still alive, and Newt is counting off the amount of people that made it. One thing I know for sure is that not many people made it through the storm. I sit down next to Aris. I am a little shy and only know one person so I always stay near him. He was in my group but, somehow I feel as if I know Thomas. I shrug it off and remain silent. As we sit in the building not being able to sleep we talk amongst ourselves. I look over at Katie and Minho who were sleeping next to each other. I look over at Newt who seems to be slightly crying to himself. Must be Gabi u thought. I look over at Thomas who is sitting at a window and looking out of it. I let my thoughts wonder while sitting in the silence. The gladers look as if they are cherishing these moments. I decide I should too and let my head hit the wall as u stare out into nothing ness.

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