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I wake up in the middle of the scorch and see a sleeping Minho and sleeping gladers. I check the time and it's six pm. I stand up and walk around even though it is still really hot. I stay close to camp because I don't want them to worry. I decide that it's enough and go back. I sit down and sing to myself and wait for some others to wake up.
Two hours later
"Hi Tom." I say. He jumps then looks over at me who's giggling.
"Jesus Katie. You scared me. How long have you been up?"
"Two hours. I have been so bored and feel sorry for me. I have to listen to Minho snoring." I say while laughing.
"I HEARD THAT!" I hear him say making me laugh more.
"So what have you been doing?" Tom asks me once calm down.
"Nothing really. Just sitting there and having my music on low." I say. After a few more hours more  people start waking up. Minho included. I go over to his still sleepy form and sit next to him.
"Hi." I say and he smiles.
"Hey. I knew you were up. And not just because you were talking to Tom." He says.
"Meh. I still didn't mind. I woke up at twelve. Been up since then." It is two pm so we have some food that I stashed and eat an apple. The juices feel nice in my mouth so I eat it quickly. Minho has finished his so, we decide that we should start heading towards the safe haven. We pack up and start walking. I have a lot of energy still so I feel as if I won't need carrying because we won't be walking all day this time. As we are walking we see a shadow in the distance. It is looking at us but, thinks better of it and goes into the shack. We stop and talk about it. It may have been nothing but, we can't let it go. As I stand there Teresa and Aris come up looking a tad scared.
"Hey Katie, what's going on?" Teresa asks.
"I really have no idea. We think it may be Gabi. She went missing while we were in that dorm. Haven't see her since. She remembers also." I say. They nod their head. Then finally the boys come to a conclusion.
"OK. Thomas is you to go and investigate. When he comes out he is going to come back and report back to us. In the meantime we will stay here." Minho explains the plan. I nod my head. Whoever it is I just hope they're ok. I plop down on the ground and get comfy. Who knows how long this will take.

Thomas' POV
I start my way towards the shack where we saw the person. I am scared but, also curious. As I go there I start to get a little nervous but, keep going. I reach the shack, take a deep breath and walk in. It is dark and Katie didn't give me the torch so I can't get any light. All of a sudden I hear a match strike and then a candle illuminates the room. I look around and see her. The person that Katie saw go. The person that Newt cried over for basically the entire time we were at the dorm. Gabi.
"Gabi what are you doing here?" I ask. I look at her and her eyes are brimming with tears.
"Go Tom. Please. Go." She says barely above a whisper.
"No. Come with us. Newt needs you. Katie needs you." I say trying to negotiate. Now she is crying. I go to hug her and calm her down but, she pushes me away.
"You need to go." She says. Then she does something that surprises me. She kisses me! "Please. Run. Go and run. Don't go back to the others." I run out the door and run the opposite direction of the gladers. I hear shouts of protest but, I keep running. I run until I can't and by the time I stop I am half way to the city then what we were.

Newts POV
When Tommy runs across the scorch after coming out of the shack we immediately run after him. Whatever went on in there must've been bad. When we reach him he is sitting on the ground crying. Katie tries to soothe him but, he just pushes her away. This isn't Thomas at all. This isn't the Thomas I know. The Thomas I know doesn't push people away and he follows orders. After a while he calms down enough to tell us what what happened.
"Well I went in there and it was dark. You couldn't see anything. Then someone struck a match and lit up a candle. Just bright enough to see. Then I saw her. It was Gabi. She was on the verge of tears. I was so relieved to see her. I tried negotiating with her she just told me to run. She kept telling me to run and kept telling her to come with us. That Katie and Newt needed her. Soon I just gave up and ran." When he finishes the blood drained from my face. Gabi is alive but, doesn't want to see us. Teresa and Aris are confused as ever but, if they want to find out the need to ask the right person. Katie is in tears. I don't blame her. Gabi is her best friend. I feel sorry for her. We start our next walk toward the city where we can hopefully find some more food. Our supplies are running low.

After Thomas' explanation of what happened in the shack I immediately break down. The amount of times I have cried is ridiculous and people see me as he strong one. The one who puts people first and before her own needs. Well sometimes I just need to be a but selfish. I cry into Minho's shirt and he is trying to calm me down. I can't though. Thomas just found my best friend but, basically don't want anything to do with us. Soon after I calm down and we start walking towards the city. I munch on an apple and walk silently. Teresa and Aris try to get me to talk but, I just push them away. I don't want to talk. I just want to think and do nothing but that. They give up and hang in the back of the group. I get the feeling that Tom is hiding something but, I push it away and walk in Minho's arms.

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