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"Cranks." I whisper. "Minho they're cranks." He looks at me with a worried face and then too make matters worse we have to deal with our own crank.
'Where's a weapon when you need one' I think to myself. All of our weapons were taken when we first got here. Just to make sure we don't try to kill anyone. Minho and I hop down from the bed and try to calm everyone down. Some give up and try to unlock some doors. After minutes of trying to get into the dining room hall we find out two things. 1) everyone has given up and has joined us 2) all the doors are locked and we have found a fire extinguisher.
"Guys hand me that fire extinguisher." I ask and someone hands it too me. I start banging the door handle until it pops off and the door swings open. When it does we are hit with an intense smell and the worse thing is that it smells like death. I walk in with the other following me. I look around in the darkness trying to get used to it. But I can't. I hit something and by instinct I scream. It was something hanging from the roof.
"Guys careful. I think there's something hanging from the walls." I get a murmur or replies and I continue along the wall until I hit a power box. I fiddle around until I hit the lights and what I see shocks me. There are bodies hanging from the walls. Their tongues are blue and sticking out. Their eyes are still open and they were hung by the looks of it. I gag but keep my dinner down. Who knows how long it will be until we eat again. I hear a few people vomiting. I look around the room until I see Minho sitting against a wall. I walk over trying my best to avoid the dead bodies. Once I reach Minho I sit down and put my arm around his waist and put my head onto his shoulder. We sit there until I notice something. I get up a tad curious at what is was and walk over. It's a door. And I don't think it was there at dinner. By walking over to something has now drawn a crowd. I jiggle the knob but the door doesn't open. I ask someone to grab the fire extinguisher and once again the I hit the handle until it pops off and the door opens. I walk in and a creepy sight is what I see most. The light is off yet there is two bunk beds with two beds that have been used and I don't think anyone has been in here. They're is one person lying in a bed awake after the noises we made and another is in the bathroom.
"Who are you people." Newt asks. Then we hear the flushing of a toilet followed by a running of a tap. When he walks out he is just as surprised as what we all are.
"Who are you? Why are you in my room?" The kid asks.
"I think we should be asking you that." I say. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" I ask demanding an answer.
"Well I'm Aris and that there is Teresa. We are from are from group B. Now who are you?" The kid or Aris asks.
"I'm Katie and this is Newt, Minho, Thomas, Winston, Frypan and Frankie. (I know there's more I just don't know who they are.) we are from Group A." I say after introducing everyone. I instruct everyone to dismantle the bunk beds and soon enough we are sitting in front of Teresa and Aris.
"Tell us about your group." I say nicely so that they don't freak out and cave in.
"Well my group was surrounded by a maze and we were stuck in a place called the glade. It was a horrible place and I was the only boy." Aris says and keeps explaining. After explaining we are all left bewildered. We weren't the only maze. "What about you guys?" Aris asks.
"Well what you just said pretty much explains why we're here except vice versa."I say. I sit there staring at the two people in front of us until I see something. "What's that?" I ask pointing to Aris' neck.
"What's what?" He asks and I pull back his shirt to reveal a tattoo. It says:
'Property of WICKED. Group B, Subject B1. The partner
"What does that even mean." I say to myself. Barely audible. I read it out loud and it sends everyone into a frenzy. Soon everyone is looking what their friends tattoo says. Minho is the leader, Newt is the glue, Teresa is the betrayer and there are many more. The I feel my own shirt being pulled down. I move my hair out of the way to let them see it.
"What does it say?" I ask. Desperate to know what it says.
"The fighter." Says the person who read the tattoo out to me. I turn around and find that Thomas is the one that read it.
"What does yours say?" I ask.
"I don't know. Can you check?" I nod my head and pull down his collar so that I can read it. What it says makes my heart stop. "Well what does it say?" He asks snapping me out of my day dream and back to reality.
"Well you're subject A2 and it doesn't say anything else. Apart from the fact that you are to be killed by Group B." He walks out of the room and the anger for my mother comes back. My best friend is to be killed! You have got to be kidding me. I ask over to Minho to tell him that I'm the fighter. I'm not going to tell him the Toms. He should tell them.

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