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"So..... It's really nice and all, but why the sudden visit?" Ren asked, shuffling his deck.

Kai put his starter on the vanguard circle. "Miwa wanted to invite Misaki to hang out with us and I didn't want to. I made up an excuse and they wanted to come with me."

"Why don't you want to go?"

"Don't want to be third wheel on their date." Kai huffed.

"I knew it!" Ren exclaimed. "Miwa likes MisaQ."

"That's pretty obvious." Kai stated. "Let's start."

"Stand up, the Vanguard." They said simultaneously, flipping up their vanguards.

Ren took the first turn. "I ride, and move. Kai, are you jealous?"

Blood rose to Kai's cheek. He avoided Ren's gaze and drew a card. "Don't be stupid."

"Do you want Misaki to become your princess?" He asked with a cheeky smile.

"Sometimes I wonder how all these ideas rush into your head." Kai sighed.

"I'm correct. Admit it Kai. If not I will punish you." Ren's face suddenly turned serious.

"Do what?" Kai raised an eyebrow.

"Let's finish this game. If you don't tell me before I win this, I am going to punish you."

"It's not that easy, Ren." Kai smirked.

"I know. Prove to me that you don't like Misaki."


"Hey, Misaki, do you have a crush on anyone?" Asaka asked, in the middle of their cardfight.

"Sure." She replied emotionlessly.

"Eh??" Asaka was surprised. "Who?"

"Ren." She shrugged.

"What?!" Asaka shrieked. Her hands started shaking.

Misaki bit her lip, holding back laughter. Suddenly, she couldn't hold back anymore. She burst out laughing.

"You, you a-a-actually believed that!" Misaki held her stomach, laughing hard. Asaka crossed her arms put on a disapproving expression.

"Don't joke like that, Misaki!" Asaka shouted.

"I-i'm sorry, I can't, help it." She said between laughs. She twisted her vanguard to an attck position, still laughing. "Fortuna attacks with 23000."

"No guard, stop laughing." Asaka pouted.

"Okay, okay. Trigger check, first, critical, second, no trigger. Activating Fortuna's skill, I soul blast and perform an additional drive check. Critical trigger. Power to my rear guard, vanguard takes the critical."

Asaka sighed. She was already at three damage. She took a card from her deck and put it to the damage zone. Draw trigger. She drew a card and inwardly cursed. She drew a heal trigger. No more triggers at the last two damage.

"Maybe I should play Genesis and get that freaking Goddess of good luck. Maybe even Ren would notice then." Asaka sighed again.

"Don't. Keep playing Pale Moon, my mom gave it to you. So don't." Misaki said, her laughter died. "Ren's just stupid, no, not stupid, oblivious and childish. He doesn't know what he's missing." Misaki smiled.

"I don't like the way you're talking about Ren, but you're right. He acts like a child most of the time."

"He calls me MisaQ. What could be more childish?" Misaki huffed.

"Him not noticing I love him? I think even Aichi's little sister notices." Asaka stated.

Misaki nodded and looked at the ground, feeling bad for her. It must hurt, seeing someone you love everyday but knowing that you don't have the chance of being with him.

"But Miwa likes you, though, you know right?" Asaka asked with a hint of uncertainty.

"He does?" She looked at Asaka weirdly.

Asaka started keeping her deck. "Yeah. I could tell. He looks at you differently I guess."

"I just thought of him as a really really good friend, more like a brother I think." Misaki scratched her head. If it was really true, if Miwa likes her, what would she do?
"If that's what you say..." Asaka teased. Misaki stared at her straight in the eyes seriously

"I'm not lying Asaka. It feels weird thinking about him like that." She scrunched her face with a look of disgust.

"Then what would you do if he asks you out?"

"Let's hope Fortuna gives me enough luck for that not to happen." Misaki said, lightening up the mood.

Asaka chuckled.


I'm not updating as frequently as my last fanfic, so I decided to upload two chapters at once. I apologise deeply because I am not really good at thinking about what goes in Ren's head when he talks so it's kinda difficult. Same with Asaka. I don't really know how she acts when she's not around Ren. Well, sorry for babbling.


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