Twenty Three

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"ASAKA PLEASE KILL MEEEE." Misaki ruffled her hair in frustration.

The girls were in the restroom after eating and Asaka was reapplying her lip gloss. She smacked her lips.

"I have a date in two days." Asaka informed, ignoring Misaki's pleas for death.

"What? How did that happen?"

"I saw him while I was buying something and I quickly took the offer before changing my mind," she paused. "It feels weird making plans with a boy other than Ren. I'm kind of excited." Asaka chuckled.

"I'm thinking of a lot of ways of how he would react if he found out."

"He probably wouldn't bat an eyelash unless I started losing all my cardfights."

"I mean, I think he would notice if you suddenly stopped giving him attention."

"Well, I'm going to burn that bridge when I get to it."

The two of them continued chatting until they went out, meeting the two boys waiting for them outside. The boys followed behind them having their own conversation. It sounded quite serious but the girls paid no mind. They walked to the train station.

"We're going that way, see you next time MisaQ!" Ren waved and dragged Asaka with him.

Kai and Misaki walked silently to their station.

"Where are you going to stop?" Misaki asked.

"At your station. I'll walk you home."

She tried to contain her smile, then she frowned. Why was she so happy that Kai was going to walk her home anyways?

Their train arrived and they stepped into it. Kai gestured for Misaki to sit down while he stood in front of her, holding on to a pole. They avoided each other's gaze the whole time. Even when the seat beside Misaki's emptied, Kai didn't sit next to her. It made her just a tad disappointed.

Well, shit maybe I do like him after all.

The walk from the train station to the shop was quiet, with Misaki walking behind Kai. When they reached, Misaki didn't want to go up yet and thought of something to talk to him about.

"Tokura, I'm sorry for yesterday." Kai said instead. He scratched the back of his head. "I didn't mean to force you to go out with me. I was just really jealous of Miwa and acted like a jerk."

Misaki blinked at him. Not expecting him to suddenly apologise.

"I'll ask you properly this time, so if you don't like me, you can reject me. I'll still keep everything a secret so will you please be my girlfriend?" He asked, all in one breath. He looked her in the eyes and Misaki was embarrassed by his sincerity.

Misaki looked away and muttered a "yes," hoping he could hear her.

Kai pulled her into a hug. "Thank you," she heard him say. Misaki's heart was beating rapidly and she was afraid he would hear it. She pulled away.

"I, uh, I- I have to go so I'll talk to you later." She stammered and huried up the stairs. She slammed the door behind her and sinked to the floor, holding onto her chest.

Kai stood outside looking at his hands and immediately slapped himself for acting out of place again.

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