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Misaki couldn't breathe. She was suffocating.  Kai smirked at the scene and helped the kids keep their cards.

Rana was laughing and squeeling so hard while hugging Misaki's neck.

Yup, the girls won.

"Hmmph. We just let you girls win because we were being nice." Rana's brother, Rikki retorted. "Right, Kai nii-san?"

Kai ruffled his hair. "You're right, little man. Next time, you gotta beat her with your own strength."

"Yeah!" Both of them fist bumped.

Rana stuck her tongue out at her brother.

Rikki looked at the clock.  "Let's go home, Rana. It's getting late. We'll play later, okay?" He asked her like a big brother.

Rana pouted. "Okay. Thank you, Misaki nee-chan!" She squeezed her neck again.

"Ok Ok. You can let go now." Misaki said. Rana giggled and ran over to her brother to hold  his hand.

Kai gave them their cards. "Take care."

"Bye Bye!!" They shouted before running out the door, hand in hand.

"Hey, Misaki." Miwa appeared right in front of her.

She swallowed nervously, her heart suddenly jumped to her throat. "Yeah?"

"Can I talk to you, outside?" He asked nervously.

Misaki tried to cover her discomfort with a smile. "Sure."

Both of them went outside, unconsciously earning a glare from Kai. He felt an ugly feeling stir in his chest. He kept a poker face and grabbed his bag, wanting to leave already.

"Are you free this Saturday night?"

"I don't know. "

"Can I... um... bring you out on a date or something?" Miwa rubbed the back of his neck while his face heated up in embarrassment.

Misaki's heart wanted to leap out of her chest and leave her to die from guilt. "Miwa..... You're like a brother to me. This will feel kind of wrong." She said with a forced smile, trying to be really nice.

"But I really really like you, Misaki." He blurted out. "Please... Just one time. Please give me a chance."

Misaki bit her lip. "I'll think about it. I... I can't answer right now. I'm sorry."

Miwa sighed and looked at the floor. "I see. I'll wait."

"Thank you, Miwa."



"Please don't tell anyone."


I'm sorry I updated late.. This was supposed to be published with part 10. 

I feel like writing a Diabolik Lovers fanfiction. What do you guys think?

Thanks for all the comments, votes and spams! They mean a lot to me. You guys are awesome. Thank for being patient with me!!


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