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Kai was walking at the back of the group again, putting up his expressionless face.

"Man! We shouldn't have came with Ultra Rare, people are all over us now!" Ren whined like a child.

"Well, it's not our fault." Kourin spat. "You guys are famous too, dumbo."

"She's right. I'm the only unpopular one here." Miwa joked. "It feels so good to be surrounded by famous people."

"If only Emi was here." Kamui sighed. "I only need to be surrounded by her love." His eyes turned to heart shapes while he fantasised about Emi. Aichi faked laugh.

They passed by an ice cream shop and Ren, who was in front of the group, stopped in his tracks. "I have a craving for ice cream. Let's go!!" Ren dragged Asaka and Misaki by their hands and burst into the ice cream shop.

"Would you stop that?" Misaki groaned when Ren dragged them in the shop.

"Sorry, MisaQ." Ren apologised chirpilly. That increased Misaki's anger. She crossed her arms and huffed.

Miwa stood beside her. "You okay?"

"Just annoyed. Thanks for asking." Misaki replied sarcastically.

"No problem, MisaQ." Miwa grinned.

Kai didn't want to admit it, but Misaki looked cute when she was annoyed and angry. She was giving Miwa the death glare while she was breathing heavily and Miwa was apologising repeatedly.

They weren't any tables that could fit all of them so Misaki sat with Kamui, Tetsu, and Aichi, who seemed like the best possible choices. They were teammates after all.

She absolutely didn't want to sit with Ren and Asaka would probably sit with him anyways. She really didn't want to go near Miwa after the conversation with Asaka. She also didn't want to tolerate another fight with Kourin and she didn't really like Rekka. Well, the only ones she could tolerate were Aichi, Kamui, Kai, Tetsu and Suiko.

Ren, Kai, Miwa and Asaka were sharing a table while Ultra rare had their own. They were all sitting quite near each other. Ren took this to his advantage.

"Hey, MisaQ! Why don't you sit with us? There's an empty seat beside Kai!" He said loudly. Kai inwardly cursed.

"No thanks."

"Don't be jealous cause Misaki would prefer Aichi and I over you." Kamui stuck his tongue out to Ren.

"Geez, that hurt, Kamui, Misaki. Come on, I won't bite."

"The thought of being annoyed to death doesn't sound very appealing to me at this moment, thank you very much."
"That's enough, Ren." Kai warned.

"Aww. You're no fun." He stuck his tongue out at him. Then he smiled to himself.

He was definitely enjoying this.

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