Chapter. 12 The unfortunate event

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Dark Knight laid down with maple paw I'm his den, only the crickets and the sound of maple paw's shallow breathing could be heard. I'm the nursery, the pups slept. Moon, a pretty she-wolf watched over the pups at night.

As night paw and God wolf slept, spark stayed up and sat at the edge of the den. He watched the stars in the sky. Sparks eyes glittered as he stood up. He then looked down as a bird hopped across camp. Spark crouched down and grinned as the bird circled around. Spark then jumped up and chased the bird, it was a crow, he then had almost caught it when he jumped through a bush where it had flown. Spark stopped as he laid on the ground and looked up. The crow then flew onto a wolf's shoulder. Frost stood over spark and grinned evil at him.

Spark stared in horror at frost, frosts eyes reeked of evil. Spark slowly tried to back up but frost dragged him with his one paw, frosts claws remained unsheathed. "Well, your father shouldn't have killed mine, and maybe this wouldn't happen" Frost got a fighter grip on sparks head. "Hm, too bad he did that" Frost rolled his eyes and grinned again. "Let me go! My dad will kill you!" Spark warned. Frost didn't listen and proceeded to sink his claws deep in sparks head. Sparks eyes went blank and his breathing stopped as his skull was crushed by frost. Frost then wiped the blood off his paw onto sparks body before he ran off.

The next morning
Dark Knight yawned and stretched before heading out to watch the sun rise on his high Rock. Dark Knight smiled as he breathed in the morning air. He closed his eyes and let the wind surround him. Dark Knight then hopped off the high Rock to have breakfast with his friends. Dark Knight paused in his tracks as he smelled something, he smelled blood. "I smell blood!" Dark knights eyes widened as he raced through the bushes. Dark Knight looked down and there it was, sparks limp body covered in blood.

"MAPLE PAW!" Dark Knight called her over. "Sparks dead! He's dead!" Dark Knight growled. Maple paw paused as she crouched down next to sparks body. Tears streamed down maple paws face as dark Knight sat beside her. "This can't be.. " Dark Knight muttered. "I'm gonna kill them all, every single one. Every single living ice wolf, dead. These deaths will be heard from near and afar, it will be history" Dark Knight said in a monotone voice.

That night, dark Knight gently moved sparks body to the middle of camp and waited until the  moon was directly over above. He then howled and the pack gathered around. Maple paw and the pups sat beside dark Knight. There was now a circle of wolves around spark. "Tonight we gather to mourn the death of our beloved pup spark, he was sadly killed by an ice wolf" Dark Knight announced, wearing his crown. The lack put their heads down in respect. "Spark has joined the stars, may Sol light his path to the sky kingdom" Dark Knight yowled. "May Sol light his path" The pack repeated after dark Knight. The pack then joined in a howlbefore separating to rest.

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