Chapter. 15 Forbidden love

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Night paw sat in his den, he began to age into an angst teen, constantly having an attitude and being alone most of the time. But there was a specific time at night where he would be happy. Night paw crouched and snuck into the shadows of his home. He looked around and raced out of camp, hiding his scent with flowers. Night paw raced down the trails, running to the border. Night paw skidded to a halt as he reached the border. He put his nose to the ground as he sniffed out a she-wolf. He followed the scent and found her. "Crystal!" Night paw whisper shouted. Crystal spun around and raced to night paw. "Night paw!" She said excited as she rubbed her head into night paws neck fluff.

"I missed you!" Crystal complained. "Missed you to" Night paw softly licked her head. Night paw and crystal's love was forbidden as crystal was an ice wolf. She was very nice for an ice wolf but she was Frost's daughter. "We should meet more secretly, I'm bad at masking my scent" Crystal laughed. Night paw nodded. "Same here" He agreed as his nose filled with crystals scent, her eyes glistening like sapphires in the moonlight. "Your so beautiful, I can't look away from you crystal" Night paw admitted, blushing. Crystal blushed heavily at night paw. "And your so handsome" She added on, her eyes gllissening in the moonlight. Night paw admired her beauty for a few moments before speaking again. "Why don't we go to the waterfall and sleep in the cave there?" Night paw asked. Crystal nodded. "Bet! Race you there!" Night paw couldn't reply fast enough as crystal sprinted off.

Night paw followed her scent through the trees and finally caught up to her. They ran swiftly alongside each other, nearly their fur brushed together. Night paw took a deep breathe ith his running as his fur trickled in the wind, he finally felt like he was free from fighting and free from his problems. Night paw smiled at crystal as he admired her beauty as she ran, before night paw knew he was headfirst into the pond. Night paw immediately used his survival instincts to swim to the top, he gasped for air before crystal pulled him out. "Distracted back there weren't you?" Crystal teased. Night paw looked away and blushed. "Yeah maybe just a little" He then slowly looked back at her

Night paw began to drink from the pond and crystal stood alongside him, also drinking some. After they quenched their thirst they walked over to the den together and got comfortable on the cold floor. Night paw rested his head on crystals back as she lay still, sleeping. Night paw then gently licked her head. Night paws ear shot up as he heard a low growl behind him. He slowly turned his head to see an angry bear. "BEAR!" Night paw yelled as he nudged crystal awake. Crystals eyes slowly opened before she looked back and saw the bear, she immediately rose to her paws and was dragged out by night paw. Night paw pushed crystal out for the way as the bear swung her mighty claws at him. An angry mother for sure.

Night paw felt a stinging pain on his back as the bear struck down on him. He got into a defensive stance, snarling and protecting crystal as she ducked behind him. The bear roared and growled. Night paw instantly stuck his head up as he smelled a familiar scent. "It's my dad crystal! You should get out of here!" Night paw yelled. crystal then looked at him with sympathy and a thank you before she shot off into the trees, heading back to her home. Night paw then focused his gaze on the bear who kept swinging at him. He dodged it a few times but his ear was nicked once.

Night paw then looked over as dark Knight shot out of the bushes, sprinting toward the bear and launching himself onto the bears face. Dark Knight stuck his claws into the bears eyes and the bear stumbled, trying to get dark Knight off of herself. The bear roared in agony as dark Knight planted a bite at her top jaw. Dark Knight quickly jumped swiftly off the bear and covered night paw. The bear used her scent to get back to her cave, she was now blind for sure. Dark Knight instantly looked back at night paw. "What are you doing here?! You could've been killed!!" Dark Knight scolded him. Night paw looked away and put his head down.

"I was thirsty, I just wanted some water dad, I'm sorry" Night paw looked back into dark knights red hot eyes. "Never, and I mean never! Do that again!" Dark Knight warned night paw as he turned his back and slowly walked off onto the trails. "Let's go!" Dark Knight yelled, night paw quickly trotted to catch up to dark knights side. Night paw kept his head down and his tail between his legs the entire way, praying to the gods that dark Knight wouldn't smell crystals scent on him, yet the bear did mask it pretty well so he shouldn't worry.

Night paw continued to hang out with crystal many nights after that. He always avoided her in fights if she was there or he didn't go at all and took care of his younger brother god wolf. Night paw always masked his scent with mud before coming back to his home, he was surprisingly great at masking his scent in any case. He visited toxic that night and got told to rest awhile. Night paw slept in his den most of the days as his wounds healed into scars. He didn't like scars, he thought they were ugly.

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