Chapter. 18 The Hunt

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Dark Knight stood tall on his high Rock, his chest puffed out and his hair flew swiftly with the wind. He smiled as the sun rose above the trees. Dark knights gaze wondered to the prey pile, yet there was nothing left besides a bird that went bad and a few bones. He sighed and his smile turned to a frown in an instant. He noticed as his pack started to get up from their slumber and began to look around for leftover prey. "All wolves gather beneath the high rock!" Dark Knight called out, the wolves slowly walked to the high Rock, dipping their heads in respect.

"We are in a very bad prey shortage due to the ice wolves sneaking prey from our lands! I figure today we go out to hunt all together then meet back here" Dark Knight announced with pride, the pack nodding in agreement. "I'll assign groups. The first group is, me, toxic, and scar. The second group is maple paw, moon, ash, and I believe I was told our new members name is feather. If your name was not announced, you are a group all together. " we meet back at sun high! You may go now" Dark Knight howled before hopping off the high rock and lead his group.

Dark Knight weaved in and out of the trees with toxic and scar. "There was a few deer that were traveling together near the crystal Lake, that's where were heading" Dark Knight barked as he ran faster. Dark Knight, after they arrived, crouched down into the bushes. "Scar, you head to that side, dark Knight you stay here and I'll stay on the other side" Toxic whispered, the two others nodded. Dark knights eyes periced through the bushes, glowing like rubies, he watched as the weakest doe made her way toward scars direction. Scar scared the doe toward toxic and toxic cornered the doe with the help of scar. Dark Knight jumped out of the bushes and landed on the doe's neck, his teeth sank deep into the doe's fur and skin as she fell to the hard ground, nearly falling into the lake.

Dark Knight and his friends jumped in success as they dragged the doe to the bushes to hide it from pesky foxes or even bears. Dark Knight then instructed toxic and scar to do the same for the lead buck. "If we get the leader of the herd down, then it will make it easier wigtout his protection to get the others" Dark Knight whispered as he split up. His friends nodded as dark Knight looked at both of him. Toxic came running out first, scar came out second, jumping onto the deer's back legs and keeping him from moving. Dark Knight darted out of the bushes, swiftly running and pouncing onto the deer's neck. Dark Knight sighed with blood covering his mouth. "I'll go hide this one with our other doe and then we can take down one more doe before bringing them back to camp" Dark Knight instructed. His friends nodded in agreement and set off.

As usual, toxic and scar scared the doe in dark knights direction and then he swiftly bit down on the deer's neck, offcially killing it off. Dark Knight released the doe's neck when he realized it was dead. "Dark Knight I never noticed how sharp your teeth and claws really were until now" Toxic laughed. "Same" Scar chimed in. Dark Knight smiled proudly. "What can I say? I am the leader of a prophecy and king of the wolf gods" Dark Knight snickered as he grinned at the both of them. "Alright now let's get these kills back to camp" Dark Knight ordered as he grabbed the buck by its antlers, toxic and scar dragged the two other doe's.

Meanwhile with maple paw's group
Maple paw flexed her muscles as she stalked a big rabbit. Ash and feather split to the bushes. "Alright remember my plan!" Maple paw's voice was sharp and filled with anticipation. Ash and feather set off to corner the rabbit. Maple paw jumped out and swung the rabbit around before slamming it on the ground, breaking it's spine and possibly it's neck. "It's about to be sun high" Feather reminded the three other she-wolves. Moon nodded in agreement and so did ash. "We've caught a lot of birds and rabbits for today, let's head back" Ash ordered. Maple paw nodded. "It's settled then, we will get these catches back to the prey pile" Maple paw grinned as she carried three rabbits by the ears. Moon, ash, and feather also carried some of the birds and other rabbits.

At exactly sun high, all the groups were back. The prey that was caught and filled the prey pile consisted of, small and big birds, a duck, a lot of rabbit, three deer, and a two racoons. Dark Knight looked at his pack proudly. "I'm proud of you all, this was a successful hunt" Dark Knight puffed out his chest. His pack members all dipped their heads in respect to dark Knight before they took several of the small prey. The prey pile remained filled for the remainder of a few weeks. Still prey was caught here and there but no official hunt took place.

Ash and feather ate beside each other, they blushed and smiled at each other. "Uh" Feather swallowed her prey. "Ash I've been meaning to ask, I just-" Feather blushed and looked away, she couldn't find the right words to describe what she was about to say. "I love you ash, will you be my mate?" Feather looked back at ash with a smile. Ash's face went blank and she blushed heavily. "YES!" Ash instantly jumped onto feather, she smiled and giggled. "I love you too feather" Ash blushed as she rubbed heads with feather. The pack cheered for not only a successful hunt, but also successful love.

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