Chapter. 2 The very first fight

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Azar and his friends raced back to camp. Talking about how rude the ice wolves are, they broke three rules all together. Azar jumped onto the high Rock and called a pack meeting by howling. "All wolves gather beneath the high Rock for a pack meeting!" Azar yowled. The wolves gathered to listen. There were many. "I caught ice wolves stealing half our prey and blizzard, the king, had attacked me!" Azar snarled. the pack stared at him in shock.

"So I declare that this kingdom will be split into two other packs" Azar began. "There are two open areas for two other packs to live. "So, the two strongest here may go with their family" Azar pointed out the strongest ones and they left with their family to start new packs. "Meeting dismissed" Azar stated. Onyx and Kodiak went to their dens, Onyx worked as a scientist and medical wolf in azar's pack. Kodiak was the chief of the hunters.

Hours later, Azar smelled a scent in the air, he raised his head up and spotted ice wolves racing toward his kingdom, their teeth bared. Azar yowled. "We are about to be attacked! Prepare!" Azar yelled as he jumped down from high Rock. Blizzard was leading his kingdom straight toward azar's pack. Azar stood proudly as blizzard plunged at him. Azar kicked blizzard off him and hit blizzard in the eye. Blizzard winced in pain as he scratched azar's eye. Azar fell back in pain and blizzard jumped onto him. Blizzard fought hard but Azar fought harder, Azar threw him into a tree.

Blizzard cried in pain as Azar was headed straight for him. Azar pounced at blizzard and slit his throat. Blizzard slashed azars chest, making it hard for him to breathe. "NO! WAIT!" Azar fell to the ground, bleeding out. Onyx and Kodiak were then killed off by the rest of the ice wolves. Blizzard laughed before dying of blood loss. Blizzard fell to the ground. The forest fell silent, azars death would be history, and so would his friends deaths. It began to rain as the two brothers in the sky divided, the two elements were no longer in peace.

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