Chapter. 14 the unexpected twist and art.

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A month after spark had passed, dark Knight was ready. Dark Knight was going to kill. He was going to bring his kingdom forth and fight until his last breath. Dark Knight howled. "All wolves come forth as we are going to fight until our very last breaths today" Dark Knight yowled. The kingdom bowed to him and respected his orders. "So forth we go!" Dark Knight shouted as he jumped down from the high Rock and led his kingdom to war.

Dark Knight stopped on a slightly tilted rock slab before frost ran along and stopped on his rock slab. "Frost" Dark Knight growled. "Dark Knight" Frost grinned in a evil way. Dark Knight snarled and leaped at frost, taking him down off his slab. Dark Knight hit frost in the shoulder and frost stumbled back before leaping forward. Dark Knight crouched down as he hit frost with fire. Frost instantly put out the fire with his ice powers. The rest of the wolves fought each other. Scar and toxic worked together. Toxic bit into an ice wolves neck, injecting venom. Scar used lightning to taser the ice wolves before using fire powers to hurt them.

Dark Knight swung his claws at frosts face, hitting him in the eye, frost stumbled and fell to the ground. Dark Knight snarled as he created a ring of fire around them both. Frost got up slowly and looked at dark Knight with fire in his eyes. "I will kill you and your stupid kingdom! Every last one of you will die!" Dark Knight shouted with a snarl. Frost laughed and grinned. "Okay... Brother" Frost snickered. Dark Knight stopped and stared frost in the eyes. "What?! That's impossible!" Dark Knight took a step back. "Half brothers? No.. That can't be!" Dark Knight protested.

While dark Knight was distracted, frost attacked him and bit into his leg. Dark Knight hit him in the head and they both stumbled back. "Your pure evil frost" Dark Knight drew his lips back in a snarl. "Exactly" Frost corrected him. Dark Knight set down the ring of fire and retreated his kingdom. They all ran back to their camps. Dark Knight stood in his den, in pure shock. They couldn't be half brothers. That's impossible, dark Knight then realized his mother was cheating on his father with fang. Dark knights eyes widened and he sat down. Dark Knight yawned as it began to rain slightly, the clouds darkened and so did his den. Dark Knight followed his paws through his den as he used his fire powers to light a stick. He held the torch with his jaws as he stopped to look at cave paintings.

Wolves were drawn out on the paintings, two elemental icons next to fighting wolves. Then there was another wolf, on top of a cliff with a crown, maybe a golden crown even, like he had. Dark Knight raised an eyebrow as he read the ancient scripture. Dark Knight then stuck the torch into the dirt of his den floor. He then looked back up at the scripture and drawings. "A prophecy? A trio of wolves who come to cause space and stop the war? How familiar" Dark Knight spoke in the silence, only the rain could be heard. Dark Knight then sat down as he continued. He read the lines that said "two wolves who are half brothers, foretold for one to kill the other". Dark Knights eyes widened as he connected the ancient cave paintings to reality. This was his life, the realization hit him hard, he knew this was bad. He needed to tell his friends!

Dark Knight raced out of his den and went to toxic, toxic was just finishing healing Ash's paw. "There you go!" Toxic nudged ash along and out of his den. Ash went to rest in her den. "Oh hi dark Knight! I was just healing some people from the fight earlier, what do you need?" Toxic asked with a hint of curiosity in his voice. "I need you in my den, now" Dark Knight demanded with a monotone voice. Toxic followed dark Knight of of his den as their pass sunk into the wet mud. They made their way over to scar's den. Scar would be seen resting, his paws aching with pain from the fierce battle he had fought alongside his friends and pack. "What" Scar groaned in pain and annoyance. "Get up, I found something and we need to discuss it" Dark Knight growled. Scar yawned. "Later" Scar then shut his eyes again before instantly opening them and whining in pain as dark Knight nicked his tail. "Get up" Dark Knight nudged him. Scar then stretched and followed his friends to dark knights den.

Dark Knight lit a stick again and carried it in his jaws, his friends following behind him as the flame lit their path. Dark Knight stopped at the cave paintings and scripture. "Here" Dark Knight set the torch into the dirt of his den floor then pointed at the art. "This is reality" Dark Knight explained as he pointed and read the scriptures out loud. "How?" Scar asked. "Here we see a trip who are gifted extra powers due to being part of a prophecy, they are best friends and they are made to stop a war" Dark Knight read the scripture beneath a picture of three wolves. "That's us!" Toxic said in excitement. "Exactly" Dark Knight nodded. Scars jaw dropped. "How the fuck are we gonna fulfill a prophecy?" Scar sat there in silence. "We just do" Toxic broke the silence. "We will figure it out scar" Dark Knight reassured him, his gaze softening. "Wait guys, I have scrolls in my den that are similar to this situation" Toxic spoke. Dark Knight and scar stared at him. "Show us" dark knights gaze hardened on toxic.

Toxic led them out of dark knights den and out into the middle of camp. Rain made their fur get damp as they raced to toxics den. Toxic searched around on his rock shelves before finally pulling out a big scroll and placing it on his rock. "Here" Toxic pointed to small writing and drawings. "The mark of the gods?" Dark Knight raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, you have it" Scar pointed out dark knights glowing pumpkin face marking on his chest. "Thanks captain obvious" Dark Knight rolled his eyes. "We together can stop this war by studying this land and these scrolls or cave paintings!" Toxic smiled. His friends nodded in agreement. "That's starts today" Dark Knight demanded as he walked to his den. His friends nodded.

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