Chapter 13: Broken and Rebuilt Prt 1

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Yudai was sitting on his bed, wrapped up in his blanket. His eyes were blank and the life in his face had been drained. Though his eyes were open, he was no longer conscious. He was trapped in the world of his mind.

Yudai was sinking deeper in pitch black sea, an empty void. He couldn't think at all and felt like he was slipping from reality, but he didn't try to fight. It was all in his head, yet it was reality.
"This wouldn't be happening...if I wasn't so damn useless." He said in a voice barely louder than a pin drop.
"Kiniro. Rei. Roka. The Earth. Cray. They all need my help, but I don't have the power to win or the strength to keep fighting. I'm a failure." He closed his eyes, ready to give himself to the darkness he was sinking in.
"Hey! How much longer do you intend on sleeping? Geez, what an idiot." An unknown voice echoed through the darkness. Yudai's eyes opened slowly as he saw figure approach him, coated in bright flames. It's warmth felt familiar to Yudai, like they had met before.
"Like it or not, I'm here to help you." It said. It reached out its hand to Yudai, attempting to grab it.
"Wake up, Yudai." The flaming figure said as him grabbed his hand and then both of their hands began to glow, enveloping both of their bodies in a bright light that pierced through the darkness.

The life in Yudai's returned to him. He was back in reality. He felt someone's presence in front of him and it turned out to be none other than his friend. Izo Hiiro. Yudai knew he'd felt that aura from that flaming figured elsewhere. He had recently gotten a streak if red hair dye in his browm hair.
"Yeah, it's me, Yudai. Long time, no see. Kiniro told me what was up. Looks like you've had it pretty rough." He said in his usual stoic voice. Yudai said nothing in response. Izo sighed.
"Come on. Let's cardfight. It's been a while, and you wanted a rematch if I recall correctly." Yudai averted his eyes from Izo's.
"...Didn't they tell you? I quit Vanguard..." Yudai told him.
"What I've been's impossible for me to do. So I decided to quit. I can't do anything about it." Izo had had enough. He grabbed Yudai's jacket collar and pulled him up of the bed.
"Listen! The problem isn't that you can't do anything, because I've fought you and I know what you're capable of! The problem is that you won't do anything! Neither world will be saved if you throw in the towel, so don't think you're doing anyone any favours by giving up!" He yelled and let go of Yudai.
"Wait, you know about that? Don't tell me you're..."
"Well, aren't you perceptive? Izo Hiiro, Fighter of the Kagerō clan and the Dragon Knight of Flames. Harmonics Messiah chose me to help you Defenders. Yudai, we should fight together and save the Earth and Cray, and keep the Gate from collapsing." Yudai paused for a while, but answered afterwards.
"Look, I know what I'm doing is selfish, but it's for the best. You guys might as well find someone else to fill my role. I just don't want to disappoint everyone." Izo's glare's intensity reduced after hearing this.
"He really is suffering, " Izo said internally. "Okay then, let's make a deal. We'll have a fight. If you win, you can do if you please. If I win, you keep fighting. Agreed?" Yudai thought for moment and then sighed.
"I have a feeling you won't take no for an answer......Fine, I agree to your terms." He said in a deadpan voice.
"Good, then I think you'll need this." He threw Yudai an object, which he successfully caught.
"My deck...Where'd you get this?" He asked. Izo was already turned to leave.
"Kin, Rei and Roka care about you. They're not letting you out of this without a fight, and neither am I. Meet me at the Fighter's Plaza in thirty minutes." And with that, he left Yudai alone in the room.

Yudai was running his way to the Fighter's Plaza, the meeting place he agreed to fight Izo at. He still had his doubts about the whole thing, but he thought it would be alright.
"I'll  treat this as a keepsake. My last match before I lay down Vanguard for good, and maybe just maybe I'll be able to forget what happened that day."
He finally reached the Plaza and rushed inside. He looked around quickly and saw Izo at one of the fight tables. And to his surprise, Rei, Kiniro and Roka were they're with him. Rei gave him a thumbs up and Kiniro gave him a nod.
"You ready to go?" Asked Izo.

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