Chapter 1: Vanguard, huh?

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He stared out the window of the train with a bored expression on his face. Yudai was a good(ish) guy, did well in school, had a loving family and a best friend. But something was missing from his life. Excitement. He craved something that would fuel him with adrenaline, something that could make him excited just by hearing the name of it, something that he could talk about and say "Hey, I do this just because I love doing it.". But no. He had just been living a meaningless life,and he didn't want to lie on his death bed and say "I've done nothing I can say I truly enjoyed doing". He sighed heavily. "Maybe I'll pick up a hobby or something like that...." he said out loud, brushing his red bangs out of his eyes.

"If you want a hobby, I've got just the thing for you, Red Riding Hood," someone said to Yudai. He looked up, to come face-to-face with his best friend, Reisuke Asuka, but everyone knew him as "Rei." Yudai hissed. He hated it when Rei called him that.

"Hobby? What is it? Knowing you it's probably lame like birdwatching or something, you herb." Yudai retaliated. Rei gave him a goofy grin. The thing he loved and secretly admired about Rei Asuka, is that no matter the situation, no matter the circumstances, he always smiled. And it was a wonderful smile. A Godsent.

"Meet me after school and I'll show you", Rei said. Yudai was about to inquire further, the train had already met its stop and Rei sprinted out in a sudden release of energy. "Sure, whatever you say, Rei,"Yudai said to himself.

Six and a half hours later the school day was over and Yudai was waiting at the bus stop, looking at his watch from time to time. "The guy says we're gonna do something fun and he's late. Usual Rei, that's for sure." He turned to see Rei running towards him,panting heavily. "Well look who decided to show," Yudai said to his currently out-of-breath friend.

"Cut me some slack, dude. Anyway, I'm here at least, so we can go now." Rei countered. Conveniently, as he said that, the bus arrived at the stop and the two got on.

After a ten-minute bus ride, the pair arrived in the city centre. They got off the bus, walked for a little while, got lost, and started walking again until they reached a shop with a sign that said 'Card Capital'.

"Okay, we're here," Rei said to Yudai.

"Card Capital?"

"Yeah, this is the original of two shops, but it's just as modern as the other one. They say that the world's greatest cardfighters all used to play here three years ago."

"Not quite sure what you're getting at, but sure, whatever."

Rei explained. The two boys entered the shop, only to meet a cat on the counter. The were a few tables, chairs for people to play on, not to mention a really cool, futuristic-looking table at the back. They were tens of dozens of cards for sale on the counter and shelves.

"Welcome to Card Capital. May I help you?" the boys heard a feminine voice say to them. They turned to a young woman in her early twenties with long hair that was a very light shade of lilac. She seemed nice but had a strange sort of air about her that made what to bow to her out of fear. Her name was Misaki Tokura, a cardfighter revered worldwide due to her strategies using her excellent memory using her clans Oracle Think Tank and Genesis.

"Yes ma'am, I'm trying to get my friend to try out Cardfight!! Vanguard. Could we borrow some of the Trial Decks, please?" Rei asked the woman.

"No problem, just make sure you're careful with them. Any damages will be coming out of your pocket, Rei." Rei thanked her and she went into the storage rooms to get the rental decks. "Cardfight!! Vanguard?" Yudai asked Rei. "What's that?" Rei tilted his head to the side as if Yudai's question confused him.

"C'mon, Yudai...You know Vanguard. Remember? The game Yui used to-"

"Rei!" Yudai snapped. Rei flinched. Heads turned. Realised that he had yelled, he calmed down. "Sorry, it...just still hurts, I guess..." Yudai said softly. It still hurt to talk about her. No, that's not it. It still hurt to remember her. It was like picking at a scab. You think it's healed, but then blood comes again. As if on cue, Misaki returned with a basket full of Vanguard decks.

"Here you go. Those are all the rental decks I could find. And remember; be careful with them." Misaki instructed as she laid the basket on the counter.

"Okay, Yu. Go ahead and choose one." Rei urged. Yudai sighed and walked closer to the counter.

"Fine. I choose..."

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