Scene 6 - Needing To Return To Marineville

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We cut to see a shot of stock footage showing Stingray travelling from the left to the right hand side of the screen, returning to Marineville. This then shows Troy and Phones at the helm of the submarine, contacting Commander Shore about their discoveries.

Troy Tempest:

That's right, Commander. We've diverted from our routine patrol, and are returning to Marineville as ordered.

We alternate between Commander Shore at Marineville holding his microphone to Troy in Stingray. We sometimes hear the other person communicating on the radio to whoever the camera shots show.

Commander Shore:

And these underwater people have warned us of an upcoming invasion from Titan? And claim they're ancestors of some kind who know Titan?

Troy Tempest:

It's a pretty fabulous story, Commander. But by the way they looked down there, they seem to mean it. They were real sick. And had their technology stripped apart from them and their people massacred.

Commander Shore:

Either way, Troy, from what you've told us, we have to assume they mean what they say. This poses maximum risk to the safety of our waters.

Troy Tempest:

What will be the action we take now, Commander?

Commander Shore:

For now, Stingray will return to Marineville. We know everything we can from these undersea beings. Therefore, we have to stand ready to defend our waters. We will have to stand by to protect our lakes, oceans, rivers, the coast, naval bases, and other sea vessels. This maybe our biggest challenge yet, Captain. It is imperative that you return as soon as you can.

Troy Tempest:

Ok, sir. Increase to Rate 6, Phones. We gotta make it back to Marineville as fast as we can with what we know.

Stingray continues to accelerate away to return to Marineville. In the control room at Marineville, Atlanta Shore confides with her father.


Can Titan really just sweep his way through the undersea cities and take what he wants from them?

Commander Shore:

Titan won't make idle threats. If he is destined to strike against the land, be sure he'll find the capability to do so. We don't get involved in the treaties between other undersea dwellers. Our job is to investigate and protect.

We cut to see X20 escaping out of Marineville, laughing to himself. The timer for the bomb now reads 4, and counting. On the microphone in the Marineville tower, we hear Troy Tempest's voice.

Troy Tempest:

Tower from Stingray, are we clear to return to Marineville.


Tower to Stingray, you have clearance to return to Marineville.

Troy Tempest:

Thanks, Marineville.


Approaching ocean door.

We see the ocean doors open and Stingray enters through. Atlanta's map shows Stingray returning through the primary launch tunnel back to Pen 3. More stock footage shows Stingray returning through the tunnel. In the control tower, another contact is made with the communicator.

Guard 1:

This is the power plant, contacting the control tower. Power plant to control tower. Come in. This is an emergency. An emergency.

This quickly grabs the attention of the Commander and Lieutenants.

Sticker bomb detected near presence of power plant. Countdown to detonation unknown.

Commander Shore:

Bomb disposal squad. Report at once to power plant. All entry points will be closed. No one is allowed in or out of Marineville.

A siren sounds across the entire of Marineville warning of the danger. The timer then turns to 5. X20 leaves past an entry point, just before a guard hears of the news that the complex needs to be placed under lockdown. The surface agent escapes in time.


He, he, he, he, he, he. Now they will never leave Marineville. Any of them.

Stingray surfaces up to the water in Pen 3, and hears the sirens warning of danger.

Troy Tempest:

Say, what's that?


Reckon it can't be good.

The bomb disposal squad arrive at the scene in time as more sirens are sounded by the vehicles of the squad. The timer then turns to 6. In the control room, the Commander frantically paces up and down in his chair.

Commander Shore:

Marineville has been sealed. That bomb was brought in here somehow.

The bomb disposal squad contacts Commander Shore.

Bomb Disposal Squad:

Bomb Disposal Squad here, Commander Shore. Bomb located. Am going to investigate the mechanism.

Commander Shore:

Roger. Evacuate everyone from the power plant.

More units arrive around by the bomb disposal squad, who will attempt to stop the bomb from detonating.

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