⚡: 05

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    Not all fantasies are brill, some has a dark side to it.
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[ Third person pov ]

It only took a week for the crime rate in Seoul to increase threefold. Everything imaginable, from jaywalking to fraud, embezzlement, burglary. And every suspect prob would be absolutely clueless why they committed the crime and the ones who escape disappears. It was like a cloud of negativity hovers above the city, raining down it's terror on the citizens. Sources still unknown.

Misun stared at the crowd of boys arguing, an odd looking purple levitating blobfish, above them.

It was something new, she couldn't quite understand it, but whenever it appeared next to a person, they possess negative traits.

Apparently not everyone sees it, and some people who claims they do, has been confided in a mental hospital. She didn't want to make it known that she could see them, and even hear the murmurs they feed to the victims. She already had her own problems to worry about.

Misun looked up at the moon, sighing, two of the spirit-like beings flying below it.

It was quite late into the night, and the streets were almost scarce of people, a precaution they had taken to avoid the dangerous world outside. It was dead silent, only the chirping sounds of crickets in the far distance. And now that growling sound just above her.

Misun looked up, her brows shooting up. The female's jaws drop, it was the biggest spirit she had ever seen, a huge spider crab, almost towering the buildings besides it. It was large and so was it's senses, it had somehow discovered that she feel it's presence, looking down at the tiny human, with a growl.

“Oh shit,” the black haired turned away from it, sprinting as fast as it could.

But how can she outrun a giant crab? It lifted a pleopod, about to stab the female, when she disappeared out of sight.

Misun felt herself being swept off the ground, a surprised yelp escaping her. A gust of wind whooshed rapidly, playing in her hair. Misun had her eyes shut tight, but she could feel that arm on her back and the other encircling her legs.

Misun slowly opened her eyes, gaping when she was met with the face of her neighbour, his expression stern as his gaze surveying the pink creature in search of them. “Seungmin?” she scrawled, hitting his shoulder. “Put me down!”

“As you wish,” the black haired smirked, releasing his grip around her, throwing her off the lamppost he was standing on.

Misun yelled, the noise catching the spirit's attention. It instantaneously teleported, opening its mouth to vacuum her in. And then she disappeared again, pissing it off even more. The fuming crab crawled as quickly as it could, tracking down her scent.

Misun was a whimpering mess, her face buried in the taller's chest as she shot strings of cusses at him, still in the same bridal style he had picked her up the first time. “Why the hell did you do that?” she yelled breathlessly, attempting to hit him again.

“You asked for it?” Seungmin chuckled, amused by how shaken up she had gotten.

He kept the trembling Misun down, she slumped, her legs not strong enough to keep her up. “Wear this, it'll keep finding you,” seungmin tossed his button up shirt on her head, peeking from the alley they hid.

“Dumbass, don't you mean us?” Misun scoffed, inspecting the cloth he threw on her.

“Nope, I'm not the one it's after.”

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Anyways hi, gow are you?

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