Chapter 29: Attending A Funeral

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Anaksu's POV:
As I sit in the car wearing a black dress dad focuses on the road and pulls into the parking lot of Konoha's Funeral Home. I avoid eye contact with anyone and dad leads me to the front row. We sit down and I am glad there is no open casket. I see Uncle Shota and he is right behind me. I feel a wave of anxiety creeping over me and I sigh. Dad looks at me and I cross my arms. The funeral begins and I sigh. A Buddhist monk blesses the coffins even though we have no specific religion and dad gives the eulogy for my brothers. After dad is done they load the coffins into a van and I walk to dad's car. I get into the passenger's seat and look at my dad. He starts the engine and the cars line up. We follow the vans with the coffins and I look out the window. Dad focuses on the road and we arrive at the Uchiha Cemetary. Dad parks the car and we get out. I see mom's headstone and walk over to my brothers' burials. The monk blesses the grave and I sigh.

Dad looks at the graves and then it starts raining. We walk to the car and dad drives in the direction of the train station since I have to leave early to study for the upcoming exams. We arrive and dad looks at me. "I'll see you Saturday." Dad says quietly. I nod my head and grab my stuff. I head toward the train station and wait for the train. As it pulls up people get off and I get on it. The doors close and I notice how empty it is. I sigh and cross my arms. I sit down and pull out my earbuds. I put one in and listen to some music on my iPod. I look out the window and my phone vibrates. I turn it on and look through my messages. I see that I got a message from Shoto and read it.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"I'll be fine, just on a train heading to Musutafu."

"Well, be careful."
"If you arrive soon do you want to hang out?"

"Sure, plus I need a distraction."

"Okay, I'll see you soon."

I look at my phone and sigh.

I put my phone away into my bag and stare out the window. I notice Musutafu coming into view and sigh. I get up and grab my bags. The train stops in Shizuoka prefecture and I get off the train. I walk in the direction of my house and people notice me. A few recognize me because of the Sports Festival and I manage to make it home. I unlock the door and Shadow meows at me. I remove my shoes and take my stuff upstairs. I start unpacking and put my clean clothes away. The doorbell goes off and I leave my room. I walk down the hallways towards the stairs and head down them. I open the front door and see Shoto. He removes his shoes before coming in and I look at him. He hugs me and I relax. "How was the funeral?" Shoto says with concern. "It was hard keeping myself together." I say quietly. "Just give it some time." Shoto says reassuringly. I look at him and we go towards the kitchen. I look through the pantry and pull out 4 packs of chicken-flavored ramen. I set them on the counter and grab a big pan. I fill it with 6 cups of water and grab some seasonings.

I pour a teaspoon of salt into the water and place the lid on the pan. I walk over to the spice cabinet. I pull out some garlic powder, cumin, curry powder, and turmeric and place them with the packs of ramen. I pull out some topokki and set them with the other ingredients. I walk to the refrigerator and pull out some cheese, milk, and Irish butter. I put them onto the counter and noticed the water boiling. I place the noodles as well as some topokki in the pan and Shoto watches me cook. I put the lid on the pan and let it cook. I occasionally stir it around and place a cup of boiling water to the side to keep the sauce from thickening up too much. Once the ramen is done I scoop it out of the pan and pour out the water but leave a bit to get out the rest of the noodles. I put the pot back on the stove and pour in some milk, seasonings, and butter. I stir it around and let it simmer before I add the noodles and then place the ramen along with the topokki in.

Shoto looks at me and I place the cheese on top. I stir it around and it thickens up. I add some water and stir it. I pull out some bowls and place the ramen into each bowl. I put a bowl in front of Shoto along with some chopsticks and he smiles at me. I blush and grab my bowl along with some chopsticks. I sit next to him and pick up my chopsticks. I school up the ramen with my chopsticks and eat my ramen. Shoto takes a bite of his ramen and I slurp my ramen up. Shoto looks at me and I pick up the empty bowl. I hand wash the dish and then dry off my hands. Shoto looks at me and I walk over to him. He blushes and I hug him. He smiles and pats my head. We sit down in the living room on the couch and watch a movie together. Shadow jumps onto my lap and I pet his fur. Shoto relaxes and I cross my arms as I focus on watching the movie. I yawn and Shoto lets me lean against him. I close my eyes and end up taking a nap.

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