don't forget

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Two days and still no call from Ivory and we were scared that our plan might not work...

"So wait... you graduated school year early ?" I aaked checking the facts and eating crisps on the floor in front of Adam.

"Yep" he said proudly.

"Wow. So I'm talking to a young genius ?" I joked and went to check my phone.

"Not exactly... I got a B from biology" he did a sad face and we both bursed oit laughing.

After few more minutes of us just chatting, my phone started ringing and we saw 'Ivory' pop up on the screen.

"Plan Revenge in action" I smirked, answered nd put the phone by Adams ear.

"Hey, Ivory. So your sister was easy to get through and the food you left me was wasn't bad too. So umm... when are you coming back ? I'm in a mood to play" he smiled to me and I could barely hold back my laughter. I turned on the sleaker so I could hear what she sais.

"Adam, what the hell did you do to Naya ?" Ivory seemed pissed and scared.

"You wanna talk to her ?" Adam spoke again.

"YES !" Ivory screamed.

"I-Ivory" I made my voice to sound tired, exhausted and miserable.

"Omg Naya are you okay ?" She freaked on the other line.

"No way... you left me with this freak that got out and... and" I stopped talking.

" and What ?"

"Times up !" Adam saved me becaize I jad litteraly nothing to add. "I mean... I could give the phone to her one last time.. but you will regret what you did to me and more importantly... what you did to her" he nooded for me to finish it.

"Please gie me her and don't do anything to her PLEASE" I hward Ivkry crying and other girls gasping in the same car.

"SYKE !" I screamed I the phone "you just got totally pranked !!!" Me and Adam bursed out laughing (we do that a lot now).

"Omg you're such dicks !" her voice was still shaky. "And Naya, you can let him go. I had enaugh of him" she hung up.

"Wait... she had enaugh of you ?" I did my offended face. "I spent 5 days going mental with not talking mister Adam and the 2 last ones weren't much fun eather !" I freaked. "No offense" I turned to him.

"No worries. Listening to you wasn't the music to my ears eather" he chuckled. "You heard her. You can let me go" he smiled looking to his tied hands and back at me.

"I hope you won't kill me now..." I saod untying the knot.

I threw the rope on the floor and he stood up after a week of sitting. It was weird to see a guy with wobbly feet like these.

"Need help ?" I laughed putting my hand on his shoulder giving him some support.

"Nah. I have been worse" he smiled and stood back a little now standing straight.

"So that's it. We probably won't see each other anymore... witch will be weird probably..." I smiled but that turned out to be more awkward than ever. For the first time I was seing him in his full size. And he was freaking tall !

He was AT LEAST 6 feet tall and I was 5.5 !

"Yeah. Probably" he exhaled smiling with probably a little of sadned and a sprinkle of gladness.

"So... you can go now" I pointed to the stairs and that sounded so rude... oh no...

He walked upstairs and I folowed him to the door. He helped himself with going out and turned around for one last time and started heading towards the gates with a smile in his face.

"Hey, Adam" I shouted leaning against tge door with my hands crossed and legs put on one another. He turned around with one hand on the gate handle. "Don't forget me" I smiled.

"it's gonna be hard to do, but I'll try by best" he chuckled looking down and back at me. He didn't seem like a massive bad boy at this point. He looked cute and sweet. "Same goes for you" he smirked and walked out closing the gates and going out of my view.

What am I gonna do now ? I'm bored...

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