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Ivory is so pissed that she doesn't even talk to me and my best friend is in Hawaii for two weeks so I'm alone and have nothing to do like always. I put on my yoga pants, black tank top and black skechers and wanted to go for a little run around the neighborhood. Fresh air will do only good for me. So I grabed my keys, phone and headphones and headed out.

Cold morning wind was playing in my hair as I was going down the hill towards the park near my house. We were living in an expensive neighborhood with huge houses and friendly neighbors. I saw kids playing in the park, dogs catching sticks and digging holes, couples making out on the benches and old ladies gossiping between each other. I ran past few more runners, bikers and skaters. The morning was beautiful. Not too warm, just perfect for working out.

On my way back home I stopped at the store. I'm glad I had few dollars in my pocket from the other day. I took some skittles and fruit to treat myself and then calmly walked back home.

On my way I met few neighbors and had a little chat. So when I came back home I realised that I was out for at least 3 hours.

"I'm home !" I yelled to Ivory.

"Fuck off !" She yelld back. Rude... altaugh I heard someone in her room. Probably a new boy toy or something...

I climbed up the stairs and the first thing you see when you enter my room is a wall full of my drawings and photos. In the very middle was the first drawing that I drew of Adam, when he was still witha ablack bandana on his mouth and eyebrows furrowed in frustration. Altaugh that drawing was somehow cute and heartwarming. I wonder if he kept his promise and still remembers me eventaugh only 3 days passed. Well I sure as hell remember him.


Every day was the same. I wakeup, go for a run, food, computer and sleep. I had no car so I could drive somewhere, I had no friends to drive with me and my sister who acualy had a car was pissed at me for a little prank. And I acualy needed to got to the mall and do a shopping spree. Today was Thursday. Almost two weeks since Adam was released. These two weeks I can't stop thinking about him. He's like an annoying scar that you kinda want to forget, but can't nomather how hard you try. It's not like I love him or something. Yes I admit it, he's cute, hot and can be nice if he wants to, but in the same time he is just an annoying and crazy shit.

Sometimes I secretly wish for him to call me or leave a note in the mail box, but he probably doesn't even thinks of me. Maybe he still remembers, a girl who was sitting with him in te basement, when he is alone, but I daubt it.

It was 2:20 am and I was still watching 'Suits' on my computer. I should probably go to bed, but what's the point ? Today I won't do anything... I can sleep all day and no one will give a deamn. So that's what I'm gonna do...

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