hey. it's me

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"So wait... he was Ivorys boyfriend ?"

"For whole 2 months and 3 days, but who's counting ?" I siped on my starbucks.

"So okay. Did he tell you anything else ?" Nessa kept asking .


"Whaaaat ?" She whined. I told her everything about last night and she just can't stop asking about it.

"His full name is Adam Key and after he left I did some research--" Nessa cut me off.

"Yeah. Because Naya wouldn't be Naya if she wouldn't do her signature research" she rolled her eyes.

"Shut up. I want the info too" I smiled at her and started remembering stuff that I found out last night "so he graduated Lovelson high witch means thet he actually is really smart. Next thing is that he was home schooled for most of the years and that's how he got most of the knowledge he has. Also, he is involved in some bad stuff just how I suspected. He has had insidents with police 5 times and 2 of them were kinda serious... to add, he has had so many girlfriends that I got tired of reading their names and skipped to the last ones. I found some interesting names like Becket and Lerel ? Aren't those the ex bff's and mean girls of our school ? Anyway. Moving on. I also found that he also has pretty rich family. And finally : his favorite color is black" I smiled and siped again on my coffe.

"Wow... okay. How did you get all that ?" Nessa freaked and almost spilled her drink.

"Because I'm batman" I whispered and pressed my finger to my lips shushing her like it's a huge secret.

"Okay got it" she laughed "you got anything else ? Or is this the end ?" She asked one more time not expecting the answer, but oh hell yeah I had an answer.

"Yeah. I got something that should be interesting for you" I smirked "I have his number and a picture" I did a cheeky smile and she just gasped from excitement.

"WOW he's hot !" Nessa shouted.

"Shut up. There's people here" I giggled


My phone rang and I saw Adams name pop up on the screen.

A: hey. It's me. Adam

He whispered

N: yeah. I know.
A: look. I need a favor.
N: let's see if I can help... what do you need ?
A: can I spend a night at your house ?
N: why ?
A: I have a slight problem.
N: um.... I guess you could come over. But I must  warn you that my bff is sleeping over so you better not try anything stupid.

I smiled and heard him chuckle on the other side of the line.

A: okay. Let me in.
N: wait... you're already here ?
A: yeah. Let me in !

I heard a lot of knocks on my balcony door and let Adam in.

"Close the door and be quiet" Adam demanded hiding in a far corner.

"What the--" Nessa started but Adam didn't let her finish smacking a hand over her mouth.

"Adam ! Hey Adam where did you go ! You know we won't back off right ?" I heard guys yell on the street "Adam, just give us what we want and this will be over ! Give up already !" The voices went quieter as the guys walked past our house.

"What the hell ?" I whispered yo Adam.

"I got in trouble. Are they gone yet ?" Adam whispered back.

I walked out to the balcony and looked around. The street was empty so was our yard.

"Okay. What the hell did you do to piss them off ?" I started yelling at Adam.

"Nevermind. So what ya girls doin tonight ?" He tried to talk to Nessa who was sitting on the bed in shock of what just happened and Adams real life hotness.

"Don't you dare change the subject. If you won't tell me, you can find another place to spend the night" I pointed my finger at him getting closer.

"Let's just say that I took back what is mine and they didn't like it that much" he looked down to his pockets "I don't really want to talk about it."

And there we ended the talk about this insident. Untill it got dark we were playing video games and watching movies.

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