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Chapter 16 Doing Farmwork

◎Before Separation◎

In the simple clinic in Dongshan Village, Shen Zhichu closed his eyes and was in a coma.

The door of the clinic was full of people, everyone's face was full of curiosity, wanting to know what was going on inside?

Beside Shen Zhichu's bed stood a person, she was none other than Zhou Minglan.

At this time, she cried and was extremely anxious, just hoping that the man on the bed would wake up quickly and not try to scam him!

She didn't expect that she would do something bad with good intentions and directly knocked the man unconscious.

If she had known that this good-looking guy was Shen Tianbai's cousin, she would not have been so meddlesome!

Now, she is really at a loss for words...

Dr. Pi from the health center used a stethoscope to listen and look at Shen Zhichu's chest, and finally made a diagnosis after a thorough examination.

"Shen Zhiqing should just faint from the pain. It's nothing serious. If you are worried, you can send him to the county hospital for another check."

Hearing that he was fine, Zhou Minglan was relieved. She patted her chest and said to Doctor Pi with tears of gratitude: "Thank you so much, Xiaopi. If there is nothing wrong here, I will go back first."

"Auntie, you can't leave yet. Wait until the patient's family comes before you leave." Doctor Pi knew a thing or two about the village. He had just treated Shen Tianbai's injury a few days ago, and today he was going to treat Shen Zhiqing again.

This Zhao family is really not to be messed with...

If I really let Zhou Minglan go, it would be troublesome if the Shen family came to settle accounts with me.

He can't bear this responsibility.

Zhou Minglan didn't know what was going on in his mind. Right now, she was thinking about the work in the fields that hadn't been done yet and the centimeters that hadn't been earned yet. If she delayed any further, the brats at home would definitely not work hard without anyone watching over them.

So she rolled her eyes and took a few steps towards the door, "Little Doctor Pi, I still have a lot of work to do. If there is anything wrong with Shen Zhiqing, just let the Shen family come to me to settle the account. Don't worry, Auntie will never cause you any trouble." After saying that, she immediately rushed out of the clinic. When Doctor Pi reacted, the person had already slipped away. He could only watch the back figure getting farther and farther away... On the way back, Zhou Minglan accidentally sprained her ankle because she was too anxious. She was afraid that Doctor Pi would catch up with her again, so she limped towards the field in pain, looking particularly wolfish. When Zhao Taohua came over, she happened to see her like this, so she ran over and held her arm. "Mom, what happened to your leg? Did you faint and get hurt just now?"

This caring tone made Zhou Minglan feel much better instantly. She patted the back of her hand and soothed her softly: "It wasn't me who fainted, it was the new educated youth Shen Zhichu who fainted. My leg is fine. Let's go back quickly."

Seeing that she didn't seem to be lying to her, Zhao Taohua was relieved. When the two of them supported each other and returned to the wheat field, the four brothers were still eating.

Seeing them wolfing down their food, Zhou Minglan sighed silently.

She thought, how nice it would be if her sons could be as cute as Shen Zhichu?

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