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Chapter 32 Steamed Buns

◎ Accompanying meaningful people to do meaningful things. ◎

If the impression of Zhao Zhengdong before was just: he was lazy and a gigolo who lived off his parents and wife, then after hearing this, Zhao Taohua's evaluation of him has greatly changed.

Knowing that he has to work hard to make money for his wife shows that this man can still be saved.

"So what do you want to cook? Do you dare to sell it after you finish it?" You can't blame her for speaking directly, it's mainly because he is a bit timid. If he encounters an inspection, he will probably be paralyzed there.

The idea of ​​doing business had just come up, and Zhao Zhengdong hadn't figured out what he could sell, so he humbly asked, "Sister, I don't know much about this, do you have any good ideas?"

Things like this can't be explained in just a few words. Zhao Taohua immediately stopped talking about this topic when she saw someone walking towards the kitchen, and planned to study it carefully when no one was around.

After all, she had been in poverty for so long since she came here, and she should think about how to make money to change the current situation.

After two days of research, they had a preliminary plan, which was to make buns and sell them in the county.

However, everyone's economic level is not good now. In addition to leeks and eggs and pure radish and cabbage fillings, they don't have money to make meat fillings.

As for the refined white flour used to make buns...the two of them calculated the money in their hands and each paid half. They planned to buy five pounds of flour first and sell it to see how it works.

Before making buns, Zhao Taohua went to the space. She remembered that she won a palace recipe book in the last ten consecutive draws. Now she can see if there is a secret recipe suitable for mixing fillings.

This book called [Palace Recipe] is square, with yellow pages, and looks very old and mysterious.

She took the book out of the cupboard, opened its yellowed pages and read carefully. The first volume was cold dishes, and the second volume was stir-fried dishes. She flipped through the pages one by one and finally found the recipes for the staple food page and the sauce page.

The so-called palace recipes, the recipes for the buns recorded here certainly could not be the radish and cabbage that ordinary people eat. They didn't have high-end ingredients, so they couldn't make the delicacies in the books. But Zhao Taohua was a person who could draw inferences from one example. She carefully read the recipes for the buns and sauces, and finally she saw a little trick.

Several Chinese medicinal materials were repeatedly mentioned in these recipes. If she bought these herbs and tried them, could she make delicious buns that tasted better than those in state-owned hotels?

Thinking of this, she decided to buy them from the pharmacy when she went to the county to buy flour and study them.

If it didn't work, she wouldn't lose anything. If it did, they would be rich!

This weekend.

Zhao Taohua took the flour money and went to the county. The person who went with her was not Zhao Zhengdong, but Shen Zhichu, who was having an affair with her.

Now everyone in the village knew that Shen Zhiqing was pursuing Zhao's Xiao Taohua fiercely, so that even if they just passed by each other, they would attract the attention of others.

Seeing that everyone's curiosity had not dissipated, Zhao Taohua angrily told Shen Zhichu that he didn't need to keep a distance from her anymore. There was no difference between five meters and ten meters away. It was better to go his own way and let others talk!

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