Gathering Allies

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During the first few months of the pups' lives, Krypton, Ruuza, Kaitou, and Lunar travel around Delv Ihoo, talking to the different pack and Clan leaders and Kaitou telling his story.

Slowly but surely, they gain support of most of the other packs. Terro occasionally tags along, especially if he knows a particular pack or Clan leader, but he mostly stays in the camp, helping Flora with their new pups.

Sator also tags along on some of these ally-gathering expeditions, particularly if they are going to speak to Cosmic wolves.

Lunar keeps half a ear to the ground, listening out for any signs of Chaos and Landon, but so far, things have been nice and quiet.

By the time the pups are six months old, most of the packs and Clans in Delv Ihoo have sided with the BlazingWood Pack, and by extension, the Ghost Pups.

And it's during one of these expeditions that the group comes across an interesting piece of history, and allows them to give the Ghost Pups a new name, one that actually reflects their status.

They learn that the original leaders of the Dark Cities were actually the offspring of the white wolf who saved the Azure Dragons.

They learn that her name was Kumiko, and that the Dark Cities were originally called 'Followers of Kumiko'.

So, when talking to the other pack/Clan leaders, they use Followers of Kumiko when talking about the Ghost Pups.

This slowly takes hold around Delv Ihoo, and soon, majority of the packs and Clans are on their side, clamoring for the final slave camp to be destroyed and the remaining pups to be set free.

Krypton sets a meeting day for all the pack/Clan leaders who are on the 'Followers of Kumikos' side for the full moon of the second month of spring.

At that point, the pups will be about a year old, and will be able to be left alone with Flower and Argon.

"I honestly didn't expect to gain so many allies in such a short period of time."

Kaitou confesses to his Grandfather one day as the group is heading back to camp after talking to one of the Mystic Clans' leaders.

Krypton smiles at his younger grandson, and replies,

"It's because your story opens their eyes, were they have been closed for years, and the fact that they now know exactly what the Shadow Clans and Heroe Clans are doing and have done to the Followers of Kumiko.

You were right Lunar. Terro and I really do have a lot of sway around here. I'm shocked."

Krypton says to his oldest grandchild, who chuckles, and says,

"It's because the two of you are willingly leading a pack together, and by right, you should be enemies.

This means that other packs and Clans are more inclined to listen to you."

Krypton looks shocked as he considers his grandsons' words. It's true that Fire and Plant types don't typically get along, but the fact that their packs are together was only brought about by Matt and Kala. He voices this to his grandchildren.

"Yes, but the fact that you two allowed the merging of the packs, and have joined leadership... that is almost completely unheard of.

Because of this, other packs and Clans want to listen to you."

Krpyton nods, seeing the truth in Kaitous' words. The camp soon comes into sight, Sator waiting at the border, as he always does.

"How did it go?"

He asks, already having guessed the answer. The fact that the party is uninjured and that Kaitous' eyes are bright tells him that this last mission was a success.

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