~Chapter 2~

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ARCADE- Part 2

Ashlyn's pov.


What is wrong with me!

i reach for the bathroom stall door.

Flinging it open and rushing inside

I quickly shut the stall and sit down

putting my hand on my chest, my heart was beating abnormally fast

and My face is heating up what is wrong with me?!

"why would i say something like that"

muttering under my breath

A small "creek" someone has open the bathroom door

"Ash?"  a faint voice says

it must be Tay

I peer my head to look through the crack of the stall

Taylor: " It's taylor! Are you ok? Aiden said you ran off and he got worried so I came to check up on you"

Aiden worried about me?

That's sweet..


we're just FRIENDS



a  cold

"Yea i'm good Tay thanks for checking up on me just needed a quick break that's all"

I stand up from the closed lid on the toilet

Reaching for the handle of the door slowly opening it

Taylor: "Ok but why'd you run of so suddenly?"

Tay was standing right in front of me her arms crossed and her leaning on the stall near mine

"Promise you won't laugh?"

I look down at the floor avoiding all eye contact with her

Taylor: " Of course not i would never laugh at you."

Those words help reassure me that Taylor is certainly someone I can trust.

So I should tell her that I might be coming down with a cold

"Well after I told Aiden he was pretty... My heart started beating really fast and my head became hot!    I think I have a cold.."

I look up and reach my arm out to my forehead which was still heated


Tay reaches her arms out to my shoulders and continuously shakes me back a forth

"WOAH Tay calm down!"

She lets go and I try my best to regain my balance by holding onto a near by stall

Taylor: "NO WAY my ship is finally sailing... thank you god"

Tay looks up and holds her hands in a praying manner

what was up with her?

"What? what are you talking about?"

My confused tone snapped her back into reality

She puts her hands back on my shoulders and engages intense eye contact

Taylor: " Nvm that but what happened? what exactly did you say? Why'd you run off? Did Aiden do anything weird ? If he did anything weird let me know i'll beat him up-"

𝓞𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓖𝓘𝓝𝓖𝓔𝓡 𝓒𝓐𝓣Where stories live. Discover now