~Chapter 3~

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Ashlyn's pov.

Before Aiden handed me the tickets he won for me the arcade door flings open making everyone look that way.

Walking in was Barron and his gang...

Immediately I signal to Taylor to go off with Ben somewhere trying not to make it seam obvious.

Taylor immediately picks up on the signal and gave me an ok look.

Taylor: "Hey Ben wanna go outside? I wanna hear that song you were playing earlier but it's to loud in her come on!"

Taylor grabs Ben's hand and leads him to the exit

I look over at Logan and Tyler

Tyler: " You good Logan?"

As Tyler is checking up on Logan I grab Aiden and pull him to the side.

"Aiden let's give them a bit  to talk things out "

Aiden: " Fine but Ash are you ok?"

"Yea i'm fine - Let's go now i think they're good "

Logan's pov.

Why is Barron here?!

Out of all places he and his gang could hang out why this specific arcade.

after all he's done to me...

Who's that with his group?
And WHY is he carrying Barrons homework ?!?

That's is Tyler was right!

NEVER thought would think that

We fight phantoms every night almost Dying why should i be afraid of someone who's to dumb to even do their own homework ?

"Yea i'm fine Tyler thanks for asking" I say reassuring him that i am fine

Tyler: " Ok but do you wanna go?"

"No actually i need to go check on that kid I think he's being used like I was"

Tyler: "You sure? By yourself?"

Logan: " Yea I'm sure i mean he's not half as scary as a phantom"

Tyler : " Ok but we're going to be near so nothing happens for you..."

Ashlyn: "Oop is the Tyler Hernandez worried about his little boyfriend ???"

Tyler: "Ashlyn SHUT UP he's not my boyfriend-"

i mumble "not ye-"

Tyler: "What did you say Logan?"

"Nothing! ima go now and don't worry i'll be safe!"

Tyler: "Oh ok.."

I start walking to the back exit

Ashlyn pov.

After talking with Aiden and giving the delusional boyfriends a moment to work things out.

I walk over to them to hear that Logan is going to help out that poor kid that's being used
Hopefully everything will turn out fine and Barron won't cause such a big scene that we will have to step in.

i reach for Aiden's and Tyler's hand to go out the exit following where Taylor left with Ben.

Taylor's pov.

I quickly see ashlyn's signal to take Ben somewhere else

I take a guess that's Barron is here by the expressions on everyone's faces

Luckily Ben was busy getting tyler's tickets so he hasn't seen anything yet i quickly had to get him away i don't want his mood to be ruined

"Hey Ben wanna go outside? I wanna hear that song you were playing earlier but it's to loud in her come on!"

I quickly grabbed ben's hand and raced him out the door.

as we're outside i sit on the ground nabbing at him to sit down next to me

Ben sits down our shoulders touching and grabs his notebook out

as he starts writing I move closer to get a better look at what he's writing he jumps a little so i grab his arm to see is he's ok

"Ben you ok?"

he signs yes and i give him a soft smile

Notebook :
"What song was it that you wanted to listen to ?"

"Hmm i don't really remember how it went let's just listen to a few until i get it "

Ben quickly scribbles once again

"Ok let me get my headphones"

As Ben gets his headphones i squeeze his arm a bit more

I hope the others are ok i don't want anything to happen to anyone

Ben gave me a earbud and the song Freaks by: Surf Curse started playing

"This is one of my favorites! "

I start to lean my back on the sturdy brick wall behind me.

"Ben thank you "

Ben had a puzzled expression on his face

"Thank you for everything you know the calls for when i'm stressed , comforting me, and you know just being there for me... "

Ben reaches back and places his head on top of mine i can feel his warmth on me

He quickly grabs his notebook and starts writing again.

"I'm glad I make you feel that way Tay. I'm also very grateful to have someone like you to take my mind off all this phantom dimension"

"Yea me to"

Just as I said that the door flew right open and coming out was Ashlyn, Aiden , and Ty.

Ashlyn: "Tay Logan went to go talk to Barron we're going to be around the corner to make sure nothing gets out of hand come on "

"Ok coming! come on Ben!"

I say grabbing his hand his expression changed he wasn't as calm as he was a second ago

"Hey, Ben don't worry nothings going to happen let's just keep listening to music ok?"

He nods as we walk towards the front of the arcade

𝓞𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓖𝓘𝓝𝓖𝓔𝓡 𝓒𝓐𝓣Where stories live. Discover now