~Chapter 6~

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Ashlyn's pov.

When we arrived home we all immediately went to the graveyard

We enter the bus in silence and all get comfortable before discussing possibilities

Tyler: "So you think the phantom dimension is influencing us ?"

Bro went straight to the point like i had an obvious answer

"Not only that but.."

I pause for a moment looking to the side

"I think we're also impacting the real world as well.."

As i look around me to see if everyone heard me all i see is worried looks

no one making eye contact with one another

Taylor: " What do we do?"

Taylor asks breaking the silence

I gave it an honest though and said

"I think things started getting out of control after logan got upset..."

I look at aiden who's on the seat next to me

he's not wearing his usual smile in fact he's looking really gloomy right now

I wish they're was something i could do to lighten his mood

He catches me staring and i give home a giant smile knowing that's all i can do at the moment

he gives me one back and Taylor begins to speak

Taylor: " Maybe negative emotions can set off that kind of reaction ?"

She says in a tone as if she was questioning her own words at the moment

Logan: So we should avoid getting angry?

"That's a good place to start"

Tyler: " How are we going to do that when our entire situation is negative"

He says as he's looking up at the roof of the bus

"I also don't think we can afford to be as careful as we have been..."

Taylor: "What do you mean by that Ash?"

"I was hoping we could have taken our time and figure out things as safely as possible but.. as of right now we don't know how the dimension influence over us will progress or how quickly it will do so.."

After further explaining my thoughts on the subjects we all went into another wave of silence

"My little sister birthday is coming up in a few days how about we all take a break?"

Taylor: "Yea we could host a birthday party for her "

"We could do it at the graveyard i'm sure my parents wouldn't mind "

Logan: "Yea i'm sure i could go but is it ok if my grandparents come along?"

Aiden: "Oh yea mine and Ben's parents are coming back too they might wanna be here for lily's party haha"

Tyler: " Yea our mom would love to get out of the house"

"Ok then it's settled we're hosting Lily's party "

"Ok sounds good i'll make sure to let my parents know this afternoon"

Taylor: "Ok sounds great!"

Tyler: "anyone wanna play foosball ? I mean we don't have to leave for another 4 hours "

Taylor: "I wanna play and i'm sure to win this time Ty!"

𝓞𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓖𝓘𝓝𝓖𝓔𝓡 𝓒𝓐𝓣Where stories live. Discover now