~Chapter 7~

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Time skip: Day of lily's party

Ashlyn's pov.

It's been about a week since Aiden's given me his hoodie i seriously don't know how to give it back so i've just kept it...

never mind that right now we need to focus on giving Ben's little sister the best birthday party ever!

i was helping my parents with some finishing touches in the kitchen when we hear a knock at the door

Mike: " I'll get it"

As my dad opens the door i can see it's Aiden and Ben's family

I over hear that aiden's mom has brought some food

As my dad greeted Ben's parents I walked over to them to say hi

"Hey guys !"

Mike: " And you must be the birthday girl "

My dad says looking at little lily in ben's arms

Lily: " Yea that's me !"

She was so adorable i could totally see the resemblance to ben with her eyes and hair

as i help out grabbing the food out of aiden's parents hands to get it out of the way we hear another knock at the door

Emma: "Coming!"

I walk over with a bowl of candy so Lily could have a sweet treat before the others show up

Emma: "Come on in ,Logan It's nice to see you again Mary and James !"

My mom says as she greeted logan's grandparents

I see Aiden reaching for a piece of candy

"You don't need any candy "

say smacking his hand away from the bowl

Emma: " Ashlyn do you think you can wait here for the twins and bring them to the graveyard when they arrive?"


Everyone heads to the graveyard except Aiden

"Why'd you stay back?"

I asked as i put the candy bowl back down on the table

Aiden : " Just wanted to get my piece of candy you deprived me of earlier "

He says as he reaches for a piece out of the bowl

I smack his hand once again lighter this time

"You have enough energy as it is you don't need anymore "

I say giggling at my last words

Aiden: " Wow , rude much "

I head to go sit on the couch to wait for the twins and Aiden joins me sitting right beside me


Why is he staying here with me?

Aiden: " So i've been wondering .."

Oh no what is he going to ask me

Aiden: " I've seamed to lose this really beat up dark red hoodie have you seen it? "

Did he want his hoodie back ? Oh i'll just go get it for him then..

"Oh right i'll go get it for you if you want it back.."

I look down of course he would want his hoodie back what was i thinking?

Aiden: " Nah don't want it back just wondering if the new owner likes it "

𝓞𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓖𝓘𝓝𝓖𝓔𝓡 𝓒𝓐𝓣Where stories live. Discover now