~Chapter 22~

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(5k special!)-Aidlyn?- Part 1/?

Ashlyn's pov.

My face is burning up while my thoughts are scattered everywhere

The rain falling down on me until I reach the hospitals doors

I take a peek behind me and get a glance at Aiden

You know the one I just KISSED?!?

He was still standing next to his car

motionless with his hand covering his lips as the rain falls down on him

I could barely make it out but to what I could see his face was a bright red

I take my step and the hospital doors slide open

I look around the waiting room to spot the others

They were in the right corner

walking over to My family I can see that Aiden is finally making his way inside from all the rain

I had dottled my way over to the free seats next to Logan

Who was reading the first book of Percy Jackson while crossing his legs

His face was filled with worry and disbelief as he tried to distract himself

I nudged his foot against mine which made him look up

"Can I sit here Logan?"

He looks up from his book

His eyes puffy and trying to stay awake

Glancing at me he shoots me a smile before saying

Logan: " Sure Ash go ahead"

Logan scoots slightly to his right to make enough space for me

I can already tell that this is going to be awkward

To my surprise Logan begins talking to me

Logan: " So you and Aiden are?"

Did he see our kiss??

or did he just see him with me outside

I take a quick glance at the window

it gives a perfect view of Aiden's car

But luckily not the side we were on

There's no way Logan would have seen me kiss him


"What about him?"

I glance back at him

He places his book in his lap after he slightly creasing the page to ensure he doesn't lose his spot

Logan:" Ash don't play dumb."

Damn it I think he knows

But to be fair what is there to know ?

I mean it's not like we're a thing or anything

Plus this was the first time we've kissed

And everything else we do together was as like best friends

So we don't really have anything to hide

Nor do we have a Label

Plus I still don't know If Aiden likes me.

I glance up at Logan

He is giving me that " mom look"

You know the one when your mom knows your lying

𝓞𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓖𝓘𝓝𝓖𝓔𝓡 𝓒𝓐𝓣Where stories live. Discover now