~Chapter 11~

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Aiden's pov.

Once we reach the group Ash is acting like nothing happened

She let go of my hand and rushed over to Logan

i think they're chatting about something but i can't seam to over hear

Lily yanks on ben's hair pulling it in my direction

Lily: " Aiden i want to pet that bunny!"

"Do you want me to catch it for you?"

I say as i look over at Ash once again noticing she can hear our conversation

Lily: " You can catch it?"

If i catch it maybe Ash will notice me again...

"Of course i can just watch!"

I start spewing after the rabbit one foot after another

"It's no match for me "

As i'm closing in on it Ash cuts it off

Both me and the Rabbit poke up surprised that she just came out of nowhere

She looked down on the rabbit with the scariest expression i've ever seen her make

she quickly picks it up off the ground the rabbit not even getting a chance to scurry away

Ashlyn: " Gotcha "

As she's holding the rabbit so lightly i can see the rabbit is comfortable with her touch

That dam rabbit

She walks up to lily to give her the chance to pet it me slowly walking behind her

Lily: " Thank you! Your my favorite now "

Ben gives a sad expression now knowing that Ash is lily's favorite

He passes Lily over to Ash and she climbs onto her shoulders

Ash sets the bunny on the ground it scurrying away before she takes Lily on her shoulders.

Ash let out a big smile as she holds lily's little hands in hers walking around the graveyard

The night passes rather quickly we just played games for hours while the parents chatted

It was about to hit midnight don't they think it's time to go?

Ashlyn: "y'all it's 11:56 let's do our back up plan.."

Lily was passed out in Ash's lap she picks her up and hands her to Ben to take it his parents

"Mom , Dad we're going to go into the bus real quick can you take lily for a second ?"

My parents don't even lift an eye to acknowledge me

Mike, Ashlyn's dad looks over at me and nods as he takes lily off Ben's hands

I see Ash mouth him "Thank you" before we head for the bus

Tyler: " Here.."

Tyler hands ben a guitar

Tyler: " You still remember all the chords right? or do you want me to go over them one more time?"

Since when was Tyler being helpful?

Tyler looks over his back to see Ash staring

Tyler: " What?"

Ashlyn: " You've become less of a jerk recently.."

I mean she wasn't wrong it's been 5 days since me and him fought about anything

It's like he's throwing an odd ball our way...

Tyler: "Was that suppose to be a compliment"

By this point Tyler has crossed his arm and moved his body towards Ash's direction

Ashlyn: " I guess..."

Ash complimented Tyler?

I mean she's never complimented me before...

Ashlyn: " It was nice for you to teach Ben guitar because he couldn't sing it... But I would have never taken you for the type of guy to play guitar"

Tyler: " Im not but i do know a few songs that my dad taught me... Anyway Logan how much time left?"

Tyler's attention turned to Logan as he walks
over to him

Logan: " Two minutes Ty"

I lay back down on my back , my face looking at Ash's upside down

She looks down at me her arms crossed sitting straight up on her seat

"We're still going into town tonight right?"

Ashlyn: " Yea since that's what Logan suggested.."

She looks down at me I can see the fear in places in her eyes

I shoot her one of my classic smiles hoping to release her stress

She flicks my head at the sight of it

Letting out a slight giggle

Tyler: " Time?"

Logan: " 11:59"

In the corner of my eye i see Tyler holding taylor close

while also holding Logan's hand as far as i could see in a tight grip

I look up one final time to see ben staring at taylor

I nudge him and mouth "everything going to be good don't worry"

I'm sure everything will be alright..

Nothing bad could happen...

I mean we're just heading out of town?


Hello so sorry for this short chapter

most of my chapters are between 850 -1250 words

This one falls short around 100 short but I haven't had much motivation for this chapter

I didn't have many ideas of how to add another side plot without affecting the original story to much but i'm sure to add more side plots next chapter!

I tried to include some of the ship *Tylenol*
At the end and i ensure that i will go further into the other ships as the story goes on!

I hope y'all are enjoying so far and feel free to give off ideas or remarks about any of the chapters

I promise i'll make the next chapter twice as long to make up for this one!

Have a great day/ night everyone!

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