~Chapter 18~

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Ashlyn's pov.

We wake up in our original positions

Everything seems silent for not even a millisecond

Chaos arises

Everyone Rushes towards Tyler

Aiden sprints out of the Bus to get help

I stand there frozen in place

I can't even move my feet nor my hands

My breathing became controlled

What is happening?

Taylor grabs her brothers head and places it on her lap hugging him as tightly as possible

Her tears making her voice scratchy but Louder than ever

Taylor: " TYLER! NO!"

Logan follows near her crying out holding his hand griping it


Aiden returns back into the bus

his face, expressionless he didn't even know how to react to this situation

Taylor's mom follows shortly after him running up the steps

Taylor: "MOM!"

Taylor's mom rushes towards them picking up her son

Tears roll down her face one after another like a storm

Mariana Hernandez :"MY BABY BOY!"





I hear big thuds coming up the foot steps of the creaky bus

My dad enters and rushes over to get Tyler out of his moms hands

Mike Banner:"WHAT HAPPENED?!?"

if i wasn't already frozen before I was definitely now

what do I say ?

He fell out of the car off a cliff while I was driving in the phantom dimension?!

Words couldn't escape my mouth as I look into my dad eyes

They were filled with trust and respect and now i'll lie to him


I can't even get a word out what's wrong with me?!?

We do this all the time what's so different now?!

Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and a strong voice near my ear

Aiden:"He fainted!"

I look up to see Aiden right next to me

His hands are so cold against my shirt

Thank you for saving me..

Mike Banner:" Let's get him to the ER immediately"

𝓞𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓖𝓘𝓝𝓖𝓔𝓡 𝓒𝓐𝓣Where stories live. Discover now