~Chapter 17~

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Ashlyn's pov.

The others carrying what's left of the supplies that didn't fall out of the car

While me and Logan carried the weapons.

We went off in the direction of where Tyler fell

I couldn't face Taylor.

I can't imagine what she's going through right now

Aiden stoped in his tracks and quietly climbed up a tree

He checked his left and right turning his head in all the directions

He was checking to see where the centipedes were

He turns his head to me and stares for a bit before facing Logan

Aiden:"Time Logan?"

He starts climbing down the tree as Logan checks his watch

Logan:"2 hours"

That doesn't seam like much time to try and find Tyler

At most we have 1 hour and 30 minutes before we have to find shelter...

Aiden:"Ok then let's try and find him quick"

The whole groups starts to pick up their paces checking every corner of the forest

We couldn't find him anywhere..

Aiden's pov.

It's been and hour and we've been checking every nook and cranny of this forest

I don't see Tyler anywhere on the surface ..

What if he's on a tree.

That's a strong possibility but we don't have the time to check every single tree today

Plus Ash's expression is telling me she hears the creatures nearby

We can't risk anyone else getting injured or worse possibly dying

I think we're going to have to end our search for tonight

We just have to hope that Tyler's okay in the real world

"Yall 20 minutes till we wake... I think we need to end this search."


Everyone else gives me a nod but Tay..

She just looks down not facing anyone

arms crossed holding one another..

I kinda know how she feels

Getting left by a family member you loved.

Ben reaches his arm and places is on her back as they walk


I'm so sorry.

Taylor's pov.

Aiden:"Yall 20 minutes till we wake... I think we need to end this search."




We haven't found him yet how can we just give up?!

Tyler's still out there

How can I just leave him in the phantom dimension

what if he's dead in the real world to...

No no that's not possible


I need to stop putting nonsense in my brain

𝓞𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓖𝓘𝓝𝓖𝓔𝓡 𝓒𝓐𝓣Where stories live. Discover now