~Chapter 9~

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Ashlyn's pov.

Logan leads me to the back of the graveyard a spot only we know about

we climb up the ladders and reach the top of the wall

This is the place me and him come whenever we need to talk to someone

Me and Logan don't appear to be close when there's a group but to me he's like the little brother I NEEDED

We came up here to talk a bunch wether family related or boy

So i know he wanted to know what was going on

As we sit on the ledge feet dangling off looking into the forest Logan puts his hand around me giving em a light hug

It didn't startle me he gives me hugs all the time just when no one's around though

and i love them they give me a sense of security like the one i get when i'm with my parents

At this point he's basically blood family

Logan: " Ok Ash now what happened when you went to go check on Aiden?  Talk slow and take your time no rush"

" I- I don't" *hic* " Know" *hic*

Logan: " Shh it's ok Ash it's me ok?"

his grip on me becomes slightly harder making sure i know he's here for me

"I-I Don't kn-know why i'm cry-ing " *hic*

Logan: " Shhh it's ok it's ok breath Ash "

I breath in and out 3 times before continuing

" I just saw him and taylor together...
and they were ..."

Logan: " They were what?"

I feel stupid for crying over something as small at this

Logan: " Ok and how did that make you feel?"

"I don't know how to explain it...
it  just made me feel weird like i was mad and sad at the same time i guess..."

Logan: " Hmm seams like someone's a bit jealous.."

He says shooting me a smile form the side

" I am NOT! I don't even like Aiden !"

I say not noticing my words that slipped out of my mouth

Logan: "Who ever mentioned Aiden what if you were jealous of friendship... Hmmm"

I could tell he was teasing me now let's see how he likes it

" You know Tyler's jacket looks good on you were is it?"

Logan: " at hom-"

"Caught ya red handed bro "

I say snickering at my own remark

Logan : " Says you who's literally wearing Aiden's hoodie RIGHT NOW "


Logan: " Yea sure then what about the 5 OTHER TIMES "


Logan: " Whatever you wanna believe girl "

i scoff how dare he call me girl after what he did

𝓞𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓖𝓘𝓝𝓖𝓔𝓡 𝓒𝓐𝓣Where stories live. Discover now