~Chapter 4~

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Logan's pov.

I step outside to see Barron sitting on a trash can smoking while the kid i saw earlier was in the corner doing his homework

Barron: "I would've never expected to see you here four eyes!"

he says cheerfully hoping i'll play along

I step towards the kid carefully fully ignoring him

Barron : " It's been awhile pal how've you been?"

He says with a smile and an expression give out that if i don't play along with his little skit i'll be dead

I become hesitant of opening my mouth to warn the kid but than i remember what Tyler said

Tyler: " How can you be afraid of this punk when we literally fight phantoms every night"

Tyler was just trying to give me advise and he was right

Why should i be afraid of him when i'm literally shooting phantoms every night ?!

"My names Logan"

I say extending my hand towards the kid

Noah: " Oh... I'm Noah"

he says as he reaches out to receive my handshake

"Is he making you do his math homework? because ... you shouldn't have to do that"

I say hoping he gets my message

Noah: "He's not making me ... He just asked for help.."

He says in a doubtful manner

"And you felt guilty saying no right?"

I know how he feels i've been through the exact same thing

I hope he doesn't have to go through the same pain as me

I see him looking down as  if he's questioning everything he's ever done for Barron

"It's okay to want to help people ..."

I say looking up at him with a faint smile

"But you should stay away from people like Barron. "

I say in a stern tone hoping he gets my point

"It won't end well.."

As i go on explaining what Barron does after his methods don't work anymore i can see the total shock in noah's eyes.

But not the bad type of shock like he knows what i'm trying to do now type of shock

Barron: "Hey"

Barron interrupts me before i can finish explaining

Barron: "Just what do you think you're doing."

he says sternly making Noah flinch at his voice

Barron : " I've been leaving a worthless sack of crap like you alone and this is how you-"

I stop a Barron midway insult to tell Noah that he's always free to leave right now or come hang out with me

As i'm talking to him Barron gets up and starts jabbing at my head

Barron : " Who do you think you are , Twerp ? Stop interfering,"

He says as he continuously jabs at my head

It starting to get annoying...

Barron: " Your just a useless loser who's PARENTS DIDN'T EVEN WANT YOU.  "

ok that was my last straw with this punk

i raise my hand swatting his hand away form my head

"Im useless?!?"

I say looking at him his surprise expression that i was finally standing up to him

"When you refuse to do your own work and force others to do it for you?"

I had enough of this literal nobody making my life a living hell

" When you so PATHETICALLY waste others time while they are actually working for a better life?!"

I see Ashlyn peer the corner  but immediately dismiss it because i had a bigger problem this dumbass in front of me

"When you have nothing to give , not even a simple Thanks ?!?!? YOU only take and harass and look down on OTHERS!"

I can see his expression boiling up at every single word that escapes my mouth

"If anyone here is truly...AND UTTERLY USELESS ITS-"

He didn't even let me finish my sentence before grabbing me by my hair and pulling me to his side

Barron: "Oh shut up already "

He says fist in my head i was done i'm not letting him bring me down any more

He brings his fist up for a punch

Barron: " Do you really think I CARE ABOUT WHATEVER CRAP YOU'RE SPEWING?!"

I glare at him once more before kicking him off his balance and slamming him onto the hard concrete floor.

Barron: "Get off of-"

Before he could finish his sentence i slam his head right back into the concrete

You know just to make sure he had a good taste of it

As the lights flicker i get on his back pushing his head to the side to make sure he hears this load and clear

"I think it'd be wise  for you to start caring "

Barrons face was in total shock that the scrawny kid he used to know was now on top of him making him feel humiliated in front of his own group

One of his groups members said
" I don't remember that squirt being like that .."

"Before i even got a chance to get up the rest of Barrons groups has come out the back door

As he's coming out he says
"Barron what's taking you so long man-"

The sight of Barron stopping him in his tracks

I was in for a real pickle now that they see him on the floor..

𝓞𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓖𝓘𝓝𝓖𝓔𝓡 𝓒𝓐𝓣Where stories live. Discover now