~Chapter 19~

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Ashlyn's pov.

I reach for the unlocked car door

placing both of my legs out to the car to stand

blaring lights burn my eyes as i close the door

still holding onto the handle

The loud sound of sirens make me flinch by the ears

I can slightly see the others inside

Everything seems like a blur none of this seems real.

I feel dizzy just at the thought of it

My eyes start to blur even more

But it didn't seem like tears were the cause of it this time

My head starts to hurt immensely


Why is it hurting so much now!

My breathing becomes quick and manual

I try to slow it down but I can't

I crouch done on the floor huddling my arms around my knees

Now the tears have come in making all matters worse

I reach to cover my ears it's to loud here

I can here the ambulances through my earbuds

What is happening?!?

my own hard breathing and tears overpowering All of the surrounding sounds..

I don't know why but suddenly my world has stopped

My panicking has suddenly faded away

I felt warm..

Just like I do when Aiden hugs me..

Why do I feel this way?

I peek my eyes open

uncovering my ears

I just hear Aiden repeating the words

Aiden:"It's gunna be ok, It's gunna be ok"

He was on the floor right in front of me

His arms around his dark red sweater I was wearing

He continuously whispered

Aiden:"It's gunna be ok"

His face was dug into his arm

You could see the puddle of tears he was making

Why was he crying?

"Aiden. It's gunna be ok"

I pick up my arms and reach then around him

Sliding him closer to me

We've hugged so much the past few days

I guess I've gotten really comfortable with him..

Maybe that's a good thing

"Everything's gunna be fine don't worry.."

he digs his head deeper into his shoulder

His voice sounds scratchy and doubtful.


I pull him in closer to me

laying my head on his shoulder

"Let's just stay here awhile."

Everything's going to be ok

I wish the world could just pause for a moment so i could enjoy this

𝓞𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓖𝓘𝓝𝓖𝓔𝓡 𝓒𝓐𝓣Where stories live. Discover now