~Chapter 20~

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(2.5k view special!)-reunion-Part [1/2]

Ashlyn's pov.

I can hear Logan calling my name in the distance


My arms are still wrapped around Aiden

I know we have to go inside

But I don't want to.

I want to keep hugging him

it's like i'm in another world when i'm in with him

A peaceful one.

I haven't felt like this in forever.

Aiden lifts his head off my shoulder

I stare at him his eyes are so red and puffy

a few tears manage to escape his eyes as he begins to speak

Aiden:"Ash I think we need to go inside now.."

I reach my hand hand out to his face

Wiping the tears off

Aiden stares at my hand as he tries to raise his arms to get up

Quickly before he gets on his feet I grab his shirt and pull him back.

Wrapping my arms around him once again

I didn't want him to leave

especially when he's crying..

He seems to be surprised that I pulled him back but he doesn't question a thing

He just lays his head back on my shoulder and wraps his arms around my back

I lean to his ear

"Aiden... Don't go."

I lead my hand up to his hair ruffling through it

Aiden: " I would never leave you Ash."

I feel tears rolling down my back

Aiden's crying again..

Why was he going to go inside a fake everything fine.

"It's ok Aiden i'm here.."

I start to feel myself to tear up once again but i hold it back

Aiden has helped me so much these past few days

The least I could do was comfort him right now

I need to stay strong

if not for me

if not for Tyler or the others

If not for My family

At least for Aiden.

Aiden's pov

I can hear Logan calling for Ashlyn as he walks out go the hospital

I know she heard him but she doesn't move

We stay still for a bit her arms still around me

I don't want to leave her but the others might start to worry if we don't go inside soon

I lift my head off her shoulder just enough so she could see me

Tears streaming down my face

Why was I still crying?

I try my best to control myself enough to speak

𝓞𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓖𝓘𝓝𝓖𝓔𝓡 𝓒𝓐𝓣Where stories live. Discover now