~Chapter 10-

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Aiden's pov.

She gripped my sweater so tightly

"Hey Ash are you ready to talk ?"

I softly say as i'm rubbing my hands in circles along side her back

I get a slow nod and we both sit down

she looks down not making i contact but how could i blame her

Not wanting to see the reason she crying talking to her

We sit together me holding her hand waiting for her to calm down a bit more before speaking

"Ok ,Ash I want you to know First off there's nothing going on between me and Taylor. "

My voice was a bit stern to ensure that she gets my point that i'm trying to put across

" And Ash you don't have to explain any of your relationships with other people it's not my business so don't ever feel necessary to do so.."

Ashlyn: " Mhm.."

She squeezes my hand slightly harder

Ashlyn: " I'm sorry Aiden .."

" No- I'm sorry to Ash "

Why would she think any of this is her fault?

I lean closer to her grabbing her up off the floor and onto her feet

"Can I hug you? "

I say while calmly moving closer to her

Ashlyn: " Yea.."

She agreed? Better make this moment count

It's not everyday that Ashlyn Banner accepts one of my acts of physical affection

I lean in placing my hands on her back

My head on her neck

i push down a bit because I think i'm going to start tearing up again

She puts on hand around my neck

And her hand other going through my hair ever so slightly

With her playing with my hair and being able to hug her this close

I knew that the possibility of her liking me definitely went up


After awhile when i stopped crying she pulled back slightly just enough to look me in the eyes

Not letting go of the hug her hands still in my hair

We stay in this position for awhile before we hear a faint call

Tyler: " Aiden, Ash where are y'all! we're going to start the games without you "

Couldn't that Half-wit shut up for like 30 minutes?!?

That was are cue to leave

But to be honest I didn't want this moment to end..

When she let go of me

I could feel my heart sink

Ashlyn: " Let's get going i can hear that the others are looking for us "

𝓞𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓖𝓘𝓝𝓖𝓔𝓡 𝓒𝓐𝓣Where stories live. Discover now