✿Coming Home FromSchool✿

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"HOME atlast!!!!" Xander definitely got us by surprise, we all snapped our heads at him and suddenly it was too quiet for my liking.
The guys looked terrified while I had my Pizza hanging out from my mouth. I may have forgotten to tell them Xander isn't how he used to be anymore. That he finally decided to change.
Xander, being oblivious of the air around him, "zup?" he tells Ky. "U-Uhm Z-z-upp?" Ky stutters and I almost laughed, they're confused and scared alright. Xan gave him a quick nod and headed straight to where I was, I could see Ky and LM clenching their fists and getting ready for what might happen next. I wanted to laugh but decided to keep it to myself. It's priceless looking at their faces right now so I decided to keep the fun going.
"Lee! School's no fun! I hate it!" he tells me and gave me a very brotherly bear hug, that's when I finally laughed. I couldn't fight it. When I looked at the guys I could see how amusing they looked like. Their jaw dropping in the air, their eyes so big and wide open and with the 'what the hell is going on' expression. I even noticed Liz in the corner of my eyes just staring at me, and scratching her hair back and forth. "You'll learn to love it I promise" I tell him with a very assuring smile. I shrugged off their reactions and pretended I couldn't see them for the time being. "I hope so. The classes are boring, and the subjects are too easy. It's not even as challenging as it used to be. So what's for dinner?" he looked like a kid who's been longing for his promised ice cream but as soon as I told him that there's Pizza on the counter, his cute smile disappeared. "Pizza? Really? I was expecting Chinese for once" I didn't answer back but I giggled instead as he headed straight to the corner and says "hey" to Liz and LM.
"What's going on?! Where's the real Alexander?! Was he abducted by aliens?! How'd you find a replacement?!" Ky saying exasperatedly "Who is he Lee" says Liz, "Is there some kind of special medicine you never told us?" LM adds. I didn't talk for a good 5 minutes but laughed so hard. I mean abducted by aliens? Really smart I told myself. I'm laughing so hard I begin rolling on the floor, I couldn't breathe anymore, I'm laughing and coughing at thesame time, my cheeks so red and wet for crying. Ky speaks up "I think they were both abducted by aliens" looking rather confused as he stares blankly at me while Liz and LM saying "yeah I think you're right" at thesame time.
"give me a sec ok!" I tell them while I pick myself up and wipe the tears off my cheeks. "so are you ready now?" they all say in unison, I smiled back, nodded my head, asked them to grab a seat and told them how and why my brother finally decided to come back from the dead.

They nodded while I tell them everything and when I was done, Liz was wiping her tears, LM and Ky couldn't stop smiling. "I'm glad. It's about damn time! It can be tiring to be the only guys looking out for you, adding one will definitely lighten the mood" Ky tells me and I could only say "yeah".

I headed straight to the kitchen for some glass of water. It took all of me to tell them what happened so I decided to freshen up and see Xander busy on his phone with a pizza on his mouth.

"so, how was school dear brother? Did it sound as bad as what you told me awhile ago?" I ask him while gulping some of the water I took from the fridge.
"b-o-r-i-n-g!!! the goodnews though is I'm back with the team! I'm joining the field again. It's been a long time since the last time I played but Coach is eager to put me back in. He said it's nothing a little practice can't do" he shrugs his elbows as if he isn't that excited at all but I know judging by the looks in his face, his either excited to be playing again or nervous cause' it's been so long since the last time he played. So instead of questioning his reaction, I jumped up and down and gave him a very long hug. "I'm so proud of you! You really are starting to change!! I can't wait to see you on the field again!" I exclaim trying my best not to laugh, I think I may have a little over reacted. Oh well I don't really care as long as I show him that I'm supporting all of his decisions.
"thanks" he mumbled, his cheeks starting to flare up.
"What's the commotion about?" Ky asks with the rest of the guys heading back to the kitchen with us.
"Well, for starters, Xander here finally decided to join his team again." I grinned, while I pinch Xander's cute litte red cheeks.
"No way?! Way to go dude!" says LM while giving Xander a fist bump and Xan accepts it.
"yeah well, I hope I can be as good as I used to be" Xan replies scrathing the back of his neck clearly feeling embarassed at the moment. "You'll do great! For sure!" I assure him. He nods and started heading upstairs.
"Alright, unlike you guys who didn't go to School today, I have homework. So I'm heading off first. Goodnight and see y'all tomorrow! Like literally se y'all at SCHOOL tomorrow" waves off and went straight to his bedroom.


A couple of hours later, Ky was the the first one to head off said his mom called and needs someone to look out for Lina his little sister. He said his goodbye "don't go crying when I'm gone" Ky says dramatically, "yeah yeah. Drive safe you loser" I tell him while Liz pushes him towards the door.
We spent 2 hours watching 'The Fault in Our Stars' and Liz cried all the way till the ending. She's such a drama queen sometimes. "I can't believe you girls love watching depressing movies all the time" LM sighs, a little bit annoyed because we didn't allow him to watch a crappy action movie he bought with him. I think it's titled 'frank' or 'crank' or something. "oh please, I know you liked it. I could see you from the corner of my eyes watching intently and trying to hold on a tear escaping from your eyes" It's true. Everytime he was about to cry, he would pretend to yawn to make it look like his eyes gon teary from yawning. I grinned and he rolled his eyes. "ok, it's getting late. I think we better head off Lee. Unless of course if you want my Mom to ground for two weeks.." I flinched when she mentioned the word 'MOM' and she must've noticed the sudden change in my expression. "oh shit. I'm sorry Lee. I didn't mean it that way, it's just..... well..... you know how my mom gets..... and I don't want her to ground me..... cause you know how much th-a th-a-a-t sucks with....."
"oh shut up!" I told her, I couldn't help but pull out a little smile when she gets all nervous and talks really fast. I pulled her from where I'm standing and give him the best girlfriend hug "you don't have to apologize you loser" I assured her. "Sorry" she says again. I just give her a small reassuring smile while I walked them to the door. "We'll come by after school tomorrow. I'll see you then" she tells me, gives me another hug, some kiss kiss on my cheeks, while LM gave me a man hug and his nod tells it all, I punch him on the shoulders and smiled back. "You all drive safely ok" while I watch them leave the front lawn. "we will!" LM shouts back, with that, I closed my door, and headed back to the living room. I turned the T.V back on just browsing the channels when one particular channel caught my attention. "that filthy man whore just cant keep his dicks in his pants" I cursed under my breath. What a great way to start my evening.


Hello!! hello!! :)
Who do you think the filthy man whore is?
You guys would know if you read the first chapter.. :D

The typhoon is finally gone!! And I can't wait for a little inspiration from the bright beautiful sun coming out after a week of non-stop raining.

I hope you like this chapter.
Let me know if I did something wrong and I'd be more than happy to check it. :)

Again, this is my first time making a Story and I hope Y'all can help me out.

See you on the next capter!
Love lots!

read!, live!, love! :)


SHIT + LOVEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora