9✿She's so full of Surprises✿

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Sebastian POV

I flinched when she mentioned 'Marlboro'. What the, this girl smokes?! I asked myself in disbelief. I stayed quiet till we got out the mart with my hands on the beer and the snacks she bought.
"When did you start smoking?" I asked her in the coolest way possible because I don't want her thinking I don't approve of it.
"Couple o years agoooo" she says a little slurry for having drunk too much. Right before I was about to say something, she took out a stick and lit it up with a magic lighter that appeared out of nowhere. Shoot the alcohols starting to give in.
I grimace as I see her smoke, clearly with a shocked expression on my face as well.
"What?!" she snapped "never seen a girl smoke before?!" she continued.
"No it's not that, It's just that you really got me. I mean drinking I get it but I never expected the fact that you actually smoke" I tell her defensively.
She doesn't look at me though, she just continues to smoke with her head titled up in the sky and exhaling little round shaped smokes.
"I don't always smoke" she finally said, and somehow I think I just disappointed her, I can see the sadness in her beautiful dark eyes. She is so beautiful, so fragile I tell myself and I could feel my cheek starting to heat up. I just nodded I don't want her to think I'm a push over for asking too many questions.
"It's just smoking helps me clear my mind sometimes. I started smoking when Mom and Dad started fighting. Somehow it helped me calm down. I guess you understand why I'm smoking right now right?"
I couldn't agree more. I know for sure that her and Xander are hurting more than what they wanted to show. They just lost their Mom and this piece of crap Dad of theirs decided to go on with his life without even an ounce of guilt in his system. I get why they're angry so I smiled at her put the groceries in the car and swung my arms over her shoulder. I must've surprised her because she isn't expecting me to be so comfortable around her. After that I took out a pack of my cigarette and lit one of with my own light. She had another surprised look plastered on her face, I chuckled "What? Haven't seen a guy smoke before?" I tell her and she just smiled back. We spent 5 minutes with our backs on the car staring at the sky and smoking our lives out, we didn't talk, just comfortable silence surrounding us.
After the smoking and comfortable silence moment, we finally decided to head back.
"I bet you $100 Xan fell asleep" she tells me while hiccupping at every word she said.
"well okay, Deal" I tell her before parking her car back to their garage. 'goodbye my beautiful baby' I whispered to her car.
"HA-HA! I told you so!! Dude you *hiccup* owe *hiccup* me *hiccup* a *hiccup* hund-d-d-r-e-ed *hiccup* bucks!" she finally managed to tell me. She is so cute, the way she talks and how her cheeks get so pink is just so irresistible.
"alright! Fine you win" letting out a small laugh, I took out my wallet and handed her the money. She took it then smiled cheekily.
Seemed Xander headed straight to his room leaving a note behind on the leaving room table.

Dear Sis and Seb,

I aum soOsrry bot I um heding out to bed firt bcose I jst reaizd I hve schOOl t2moro & I um dRnk as Sh*t. Snce u 2 act lIke yu on d school u hve fun! Seb I kill u if u do somtn stoupid!

undrunk version
Dear Sis and Seb,

I am sorry but I'm heading out first because I just realized I have school tomorrow and I am drunk as shit. Since you two act like you own the school, you have fun! Seb I'll kill you if you do something stupid!

I laughed as I try my hardest to decipher his message. He can be the weirdest sometimes. And before I even noticed, Lee is tapping my shoulders and giving me my beer while she chugs hers in.

Short Chapter, I know!! :D
Fear not!
the best is soon to come!!

read,live,love! :)


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