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Me: Hey you! Self proclaimed much? 🤔
Seb: I am the BEST after all Ms.Lee 💪
Me: oh please dont flatter yourself! Can you stop calling me Ms.Lee? And how'd you get a hold of my phone anyway? I dont remember ever handing it to you?
Seb: I have my ways 😎
5 minutes later...
Seb: hey!
Seb: ok! fine! i wont call you Ms.Lee again.
Seb: hello?
Seb: did you just sleep on me?
Seb: wow. Rude much
Seb: tch! goodnight and sweetdreams then!


I felt the sunshine peeking thru my window. It's morning. I think I just had the best sleep in years. I smile as I awkwardly stare at the ceiling. I heard my phone vibrate and remembered Sebastians weird text messages last night. I bury myself under my sheets, looking for my phone. Wow 6 unread messages from him. What a weird guy. I shrugged it off, got dressed and headed to the kitchen for some breakfast.


Since I barely have anything to do, I decide to start on my school works the principal sent me so I wont fall behind.
I was able to finish 5 of my paper works when Liz suddenly comes bulging in my room with no absolute permission. She does that, A-LOT by the way.

"how's living the sweet life alone doing for you Lee?!" she looks pissed, I can sense the jealousy in the air.
"yeah well you know, I get to sleep 'A-LOT' unlike you though.  Forced to go to school to avoid anymore of those suspensions you got for being absent too many times" I smirk with my answer.
She was given a last warning letter from the Principal regarding her attendance; that if she fails to attend school daily, she'd be expelled.
"You can't blame me. School is seriously not ny calling!" she exclaims dramatically as she charges towards me like a lion ready to pounce his prey. Just when I thought she's actually going to strangle me, she did quite the opposite. She gives me the most painful bear hug in the world while her other hand messes with my hair.
"Schools no fun without you. I miss you Lee" she says while frowning. I let out a small giggle "I missed you to you know. I just didn't have it in me to call or text you back; even when I knew I needed you by my side. I don't know what got into me. I'm sorry." I sighed. "It was damn wrong not to call me. You made me think I'm no use to you. I mean how can you not realize that I'll always be here for you. No matter what the situation is whether it be good or not, I want you to know that I'll always be here for you." she retorted.
I sigh, she's right, it was too selfish of me.
"I know, I was being too selfish again. It's just that I didn't want to drag you into my problems, I mean what kind of friend would I be if all I give you are problems or about how sad and fucked up my life is. I just don't want to be a burden to you. I regretted what I did and I don't plan on doing it again. I realize how important you are to me and how my life would get a little easier with you in it. I am very sorry. I hope you forgive me" I continued.

"Alright! Alright! No need to be so clingy ok! I forgive you! But!...." she looks at me intently with a serious and stern gaze and continued "...if you ever like EVER do that to me again, I'll come marching to your house with the chainsaw I just bought yesterday, rip you into very tiny little pieces and feed you to my guinea pig!." I hold back a laugh, this woman has the strangest of imagination sometimes. I give her a mischievous grin and kissed her cheek. "You don't even own a guinea pig Liz. So where's LM and Ky? I thought you said the 3 of you will be coming for a visit?".
She waves her hand dismissively and smiled "What makes you think they're not? They have your whole kitchen to themselves. And I suggest you get up or there won't be any food left" she tells me and left excitedly.
A small laughter left my mouth while I slowly stand up from my chair, head straight to my mirror "what the?! Gawd I look like someone from Beauty and the Beast,except I'm the beast!" I mutter to myself.
With that I decided to head straight to the shower first. After taking a bath I hear Ky calling me and I think he said "winner is steady", I yelled back "What?! How is a winner steady?!" while I change into clothes that I feel comfortable in. Ready, I swing my door open, I gasp, as low and behold Ky with his back pressed against the wall, shirtless, and a big smirk on his face.
I can't help but admit to myself how good looking he is. With those ruffled dark hair, golden skin, big brown eyes and oh that yummy goodness body of his.
I snapped out of confusion when he started ruffling my hair while laughs. "what's the matter? cant catch your tongue? I SAID DINNER'S R-E-A-D-Y!" -Ky
"Jesus Ky! you're messing up my! and what the hell is that smell?! oh my God!!! I just took a bath!!! Youre spreading your man smell all over me!!! Get off!!!!" I reply hysterically.
I'm over reacting I know but It happens. He wouldn't stop laughing till he finally lets go because he needed to support his own body from falling for laughing too hard.
"Idiot" I muttered. Since I couldnt stop his baboon like laughing, I dusted my clothes off, gave him a blank look, left him all by himself and headed downstairs to the kitchen hopping excitedly.
"Eww! not in my fucking house please! Youre spreading your love virus all over the Pizza! I told you both to get a room! Its no wonder Ky went to check on me. And Pizza? I thought you guys were cooking dinner?" i stared at them like how I would look at a Public toilet thats got shit all over the place.
Liz obviously didnt take me seriously. She just gave the most evil grin and winked at me. LM however had his hand behind his head scratching it like theres no tomorrow and looking red as a tomato "sorry we kinda didnt expect you to come down so soon" he said sheepishly. I smiled while I waved my hand dismissively taking a piece of the pizza in my mouth. "So this is dinner ha??" I chuckled while chewing the pizza in my mouth. "Hey you know there's not a single person in this house who could cook. Unless of course if you want me to end up burning this place to the ground then I'd be more than happy" Liz winked,I scoffed "and you better find yourself a boyfriend instead of calling us names cause deep inside I know youre just jealous" she continued. "HA-HA! real funny!" I retored bringing my tongue out to amuse myself.

Ky,LM or Lance Michael as they say and Liz have have been my best of friends for as long as I could remember. They've always had my back since grade school after my fight incident with the class bully. We've been friends since then. I smile as I see how sweet those two are to each other. Who would've thought they'd end up with each other.
I left them in the kitchen and headed straight to the Living room while sat on my favorite couch reminiscing the first time LM asked her out. It was Junior Prom back then and he wouldn't stop bugging me, asking me for advices on how to ask a girl out. I just shoved him off having no idea it was Liz he was planning to ask out. "Look! you don't have to plan what you need to say. All you have to do is tell her what your heart cant stop telling you! So I need you to relaxe! take her hand and talk to her as sincerely as possible! Got it? I have to go! I need to do some shopping for the dance! good luck though! you need it!" Gave him an evil smile and left him dumbfounded staring at me.
So after the dance the 4 of us headed to the Diner and ordered something good to eat. We talked about how I had the most ugliest dance partner about how painful Ky's feet was cause his partner couldnt dance,and about Liz's partner who almost threw up on her because he was so mesmerized by her beauty. We all laughed so hard and thats when we noticed how LM was too quiet his mind seeming to be drifting off somewhere around the galaxy. "Yo! earth to LM?" Ky said while snapping his fingers infront of him, we laughed when he finally snapped out and noticed that we were all staring at him, so he decided to lighten the mood stood up,waving his hands in the air exasperating "Well my partner kicked me in the balls cause I stepped on her feet! once! i stepped on her feet once and she does that! women are just so violent these days!" and we bursted out laughing. LM can be the funniest when he wants too. "We almost thought your partner broke your heart back there. You just look like you've been damped with cold water before you went off and blabbed your mouth out"Ky tells him, catching his breath every once in a while cause he just couldn't stop laughing. "Me? LM? When was I ever damped? You know how good I am with the ladies Ky,infact I think your just jealous." LM bites back while wiggling his eyebrows and staring in amusement at Ky. "PLEASE you know I'm just as good" Ky says while dusting off imaginary dusts from his shoulders.
It's true actually they're both real good with the ladies. LM with his golden brown hair, his tall broad figure, his crystal blue eyes, how he happens to have the brains of a prodigy, and the best point guard in the Basketball team.
Ky on the other hand has silky dark brown hair, perfect jawline, dark brown hazelnut eyes, perfectly toned body, an A student,and he's famous for his 95% 3 point shots on the Basketball team, he's pretty good with the guitar as well.
Liz is the hottest,prettiest,smartest,delinquent girl at School. She smokes and drinks but she always maintains straight A's on her record. She's also a member of the cheerleading squad. Unlike how delinquents dress, she dresses quite the opposite, she always wears bright colored clothes, very light make up, has the brightest of green eyes, her natural red and curly hair, her amazing thin legs, sexy body, and how she manages to get guys on their knees without even saying anything, they even call her a goddess sometimes. But if you ever get on her bad side, you'll regret ever coming to school again.
I remember how she sent this guy to the hospital for a good couple weeks all because he called her a bitch. He was diagnosed with a dislocated jaw, a stitched up brow, and a fractured rib. She's mastered Taekwando and Judo for a good reason you know.

See how cool my friends are.
I of course am a straight A student as well and a member of the Editorial staff. That would be all. I'm a loser I know. -.-"

So just when Ky was about to talk back again, the food we ordered finally arrived. We were about to dig in till LM spoke up. "Uh guys, before we could start eating I was wondering if you could leave me and Liz for a couple of minutes. There's just something important I need to tell her you know" Ky and me looked at each other and thats when it clicked! Liz is the girl he's been asking me advices from. Wow I told myself. Understanding the situation, I grabbed Ky and before I left I mouthed LM "goodluck" before giving me a small nod and then we took off.

That's how the 2 of them ended up together. What the 2 of them talked about that night still remained a mystery to us. I'm just happy they get along real well and how they enjoy each others company. The thought of it made me feel giddy giddy inside.

I haven't realized Ky was there the whole time and when he noticed me snap back to my senses.
I noticed the intense look on his face before they turned to a smirk "welcome back to earth Ms.Lee, you seem to be spacing out alot recently, are you sure you don't want that checked?" fighting back his laughter, he went on and continued "you shouldve seen the look on your face! hahahaha you were like (acting it out. head tilted on the ceiling, not moving at all, and mouth wide open) I almost thought you had a heart attack and went straight to heaven until you were smiling and laughing by yourself! hahahahahaha! Youre just so classic Lee! you never seem to dissapoint! hahahaha!" I could feel my cheek heat up and I couldn't say a word.
Some great Friends I got allright.

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