✿A message from Mom "Imma be Richy Rich"✿

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Sebastian left when Xander got home from the funeral. Turns out they know each other. They look like best buds. So after saying his good bye, he gave me a wink and left with his black Camaro. Cool car I told myself.
"So how did things go?" while playing with my fingers and Xan at the Kitchen preparing us dinner. "Everything turned out fine Lee. Nothing to worry about." he said it so assuringly all I did is nod. I went closer to him and gave him a hug "you're starting to become the best OLDER brother in the world" I say "Hey I'm not that OLD! I'm only a year and a half older than you!" he laughs while cooking something that smells really good.

"Dinner time Lee! wake up!" I didn't realize I drifted off so I woke up, stretched my arms and headed straight to the dining room!. "mmm! smells good Xan!"
"yeah tastes pretty damn good too!" he says with a smirk that made him look like he won the world championship.
"Alright! Munch time!" saying gleefully.
"You know I think it's about time we hire someone to look after the house,to wash our clothes, and cook us food. I don't think I can handle school and housework at the same time. We're graduating and there's so many school works I need to finish so I can catch up" he said sighing. He's right. Unlike me though Xander is the smart one. He doesn't need to study to pass exams. He's the bad boy with the high I.Q.
I sigh back "You're right. But how are we supposed to pay for it? Dad hasn't really been in touch you know".
"yeah I got that covered. I'll call him later to let him know." I look at him suspiciously "when did you ever talk to dad?"- me
he laughs a little and scratches the back of his head "I called him yesterday, updated him about mom's funeral and told him that the least he could do is to provide us our needs. He willingly said yes after a few shouts I gave him, said he'll be dropping off tomorrow to give us our allowance for the week". I laugh at how he told me what he did. Then I remembered the package Sebastian gave me. I immediately stood up, head straight to my room, took the package and went back to the Dining room. "Whats that?" Xan asked.
"Our inheritance from Mom I want to open it with you" I say quietly and I could see how he isn't expecting this at all. So he stood up and went beside me.
"Ready? 1-2-3!". There lies 2 small keys, 1 for me and 1 for my brother. With 2 large books that says "To Xan and Cas by Anastasia Mae" and inside the cover said:

To my two Loving Children, Alexander Kian & Cassandra Lee.
P.S. Dont go moping cause I'm around  anymore! Live your youth to the fullest and Xander, don't go making Lee cry or I will come back from the dead and HAUNT you!.

"WOW" was all we can say. Mom wrote a book. we stared at the book for a couple of seconds. Deciding that nothing will happen if we keep staring at it, we each took our own and then another set of keys fell off from each of our books. Too many fucking surprises I don't think I can handle it all in one day. We look at each other in confusion and just before we were about to pick the keys up, an envelope slipped out of the book. In curiosity we opened it up and this were its contents:


My dearest Children, I am sorry for having left without telling you. I know how heart breaking and how self centered of me to leave you both behind when you are in the most crucial stages of your life. I know what I did that to end my life was wrong and I know how much the both of you suffered because of my addiction. But I just wanted to let the both of you know that it is neither your fault so get those ideas off o' your big hard heads!. This was my fault and my fault alone. Though I am physically gone, I will forever be in your hearts and I will always watch over you!. In this books are two keys. The first key is the key to both of your banks, all you have to do is present each of your keys, and rest assured all of my savings are their waiting for you. The 2nd key is the key to an old house my family owned since centuries ago. Feel free to do whatever you want with it, just don't go selling it ok! Xander! I know youre reading this!. Oh and the Address is at the back of the book. The 3rd key opens a room in the old house that holds the rest of what I have. I am giving this to the both of you because i know its in good hands!. Other information will be at the back of the book my children. I Love you both and I trust you both to enjoy your life to the fullest!. Till we see each other again!..


"is this really happening? how the hell was mom this rich in the first place?." Xander exclaimed. That's when I stepped in and told him everything Sebastian explained to me. Come to think of it we have no idea how Mom even became this rich, we've never met our Grandparents, we haven't even the slightest of idea if Mom had Brothers or Sisters but we do know Aunt Lian, Aunt Anna, and Aunt Cam. They're Mom's best friends but they barely visit cause they were so busy at work. It was now that I realized how and why they were always busy.

The surprises today are definitely tiring it seemed to had sucked both our energies out. So I kissed my brother in the cheeks goodnight and head straight to my room. I haven't felt this tired in a long time. Deciding its bedtime, I head straight to the bathroom and took a shower. I then changed to my cute Hello Kitty PJ'S and dove straight to bed.

Just when I'm about to doze off my phone buzzes. I laughed at the name appearing on my phone. I wonder how he even managed to save his number in it..

SEBBY D' GREAT: Hi! :) miss me Cass? :*

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