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Lee's POV

I paced towards the surgery room and I immediately spot Lizz by the bench with her hands burried in her hair and tears dripping on the floor.

"Liz" she immediately looks up me and give her a very big hug.
"A drunk driver rode him down. Doctors are trying their best to make him live. I think every bone in his body is broken. They're trying to prevent internal bleeding, they say he might drown in his own blood. Lee I can't do anything. I don't know what to do. Mom and Dad just got on the first plane to get here" she says sobbing between every word. I shush at her while I stroke her back. I can't hold back my tears anymore.
"Let's hope for the best. Xander's in a coma. A guy shot him twice. His case is still under investigation" I tell her. Her eyes went wide open and she gasps.
"What?! Where did this happen?!" she asks
"At home. Probably robbing the house. He didn't look like a burglar though. I didn't quite get a hold of his face but I noticed he has this scar above his right eye, I hope they catch him! I want him to rot in jail for what he did!"
"Oh my God I am so sorry Lee!" she hugs me again and we both cry. There's nothing we can do right now but hope for the best.
"Nothing to be sorry for Liz, it's not your fault, it's the fucker who shot him" I tell her, and then a Doctor came out of the operating room
"Are you related to Mr.Edward?" he asks Lizz and she managed to say he's her brother, the Doctor nods and looks at the clip board in his hands.
"He's going to be okay for now. I can't assure you anything yet because something might go wrong. Don't worry we'll do everything we can but for now he'll be under close supervision. Good day Ms.Edwards, let us hope for the best" He taps her shoulders and leaves.
"Oh Thank God" she says. I'm happy he's gonna be okay, but at the back of my mind, I envy Liz, her brothers gonna be ok, while mine on the other hand might not even wake up anymore.
"Xan will wake up. I know for sure he won't allow you to be alone again" she tells me. I nod and suddenly my phone begins to ring I immediately answer and I didn't get to look at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I ask.
"Honey it's Dad. I'll be home in 4 hours. Be strong. Xander will be alright. I'll make sure he will. I'll call you in a few, I'm on my way to the plane now. I love you honey"
And then he hunged up.
"Who was that?" Liz asks me.
"Dad" I reply.
"Oh, c'mon let's go grab some coffee. I need to call Mom and let her know the news too" she says. I just nod and follow her to the cafeteria.

I'm taking a sip of my coffee while Liz talks to her mom. A reminder that she still has her Mom and I don't.
I wonder what Mom would tell me right now if she's still around.

I'm all alone again. Just thinking about it made me cry. No Mom, no Dad, no Brother. What a pathetic life.

I spent the next few hours beside Xander. Liz went home to rest as soon as her parents arrived. Dad isn't here yet. A small knock suddenly came from the door. "come in" I say lowly and 2 gorgeous looking faces popped out the door. "Guys! Come in!" I tell them. They immediately head straight toward me and give me the most painful hugs in the world.
"I can't breathe Ky!" and he finally lets go.
He just smiles and pinches my cheek while LM gives me a basket full of my favorite snacks.

"I heard what happened. Lizz called us. You're so mean! Why didn't you call us?!" LM says giving me an angry mama bear look.
I tilt my head down and play with my fingers. I don't want them to pity me and realize how sad and pathetic my life is, and I didn't want to drag them to my problems again.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't think straight. And I was busy with Xander's paperwork." I tell them while tears started to flow down my cheeks.

Ky gives me another hug and rocks me back and forth.
"Don't cry. You know we're always here for you Lee. Always." his soothing voice is so calming and all I could manage to do was nod. Did I mention I have such amazing friends. They decided to stay with me and while we're at it we started playing some board games that Ky managed to bring with him.

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