24🌸Falling in WHAT?!🌸

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Sebastians POV II

The door swings open and Lee stands infront of the door. A heavy weight lifted off my shoulders when I see her face. Oh God, thankyou for keeping her safe.

She suddenly looks panicked when she sees the state I'm in.
"Oh my God Sebastian! What happened to you!?" and helps me walk inside the house.

I roam the house with my eyes and I notice she's home alone. Why is she home, all alone in this ungodly hour. Wait where's Xander.

"Where's Xander?! I think he's in danger" I tell her and she suddenly stiffens, her glaze averted to the floor. I limp my way towards the couch when I notice cleaning materials on the floor beside a pool of blood.
What the fuck happened here! Why is there so much blood on the floor.

My heart beat starts to rise and I feel scared as fuck. I look at Lee with fear and confusion when she noticed that I saw the blood.

"Lee?! Where's Xander?!" I finally managed to spit out. She steps back a little when I practically yelled at her. I am desperate to know what happened. Did something bad actually happen to him. How the hell did they find Xan in the first place. I never said a word to them.

Lee starts to cry, I can see her holding back but tears were starting to flow down her cheeks. It always breaks me to see her cry.
I feel like I'm drowning when she looks this sad.

"Xan's at the Hospital. He's in coma. Dad's watching him right now." She answers not too loudly. My eyes widen. Oh my God. They got to him first. I came too late. Shit. The weight I've been feeling on my chest returns. What did they want with Xander so badly to begin with anyway.

She wouldn't stop crying and I give it all my best to stand up so I can hug her and apologize for not being of help. I treated her so badly after the whole mall incident and then this happens to her. I'm grateful she's still sane.

"I'm so sorry Cass. I did everything I could" I know I'll have to explain to her what happened but maybe later. I hug her tightly and she sobs on my chest like a little girl. After a few moments she finally managed to calm down telling me that Xander will be all right. Something about his vitals returning to normal.

She helps me sit back on the couch when she stands up and pulls out a box off the hanging cabinet. The box had a Red Cross symbol on the front. First aid kit. I hate being treated. I mutter to myself.

She then squats in-front of me and started tending my wounds. She wipes the blood off my face and I can't help but have this tingly feeling on the pit of my stomach.

I feel like I'm being lifted in the air with the way she touches me. I want to kiss her so badly.

Stop it Sebastian! Now is not the time to think like that! She needs a friend right now! Be there for her!

My inner self yells at me. Right. Point taken.
She suddenly kissed my wounds and I can feel blood rushing in my face. What's she doing?. I almost thought I'm dreaming. The last person who did this to me died. Mira used to do this to me, whenever I come home from a fight she would always tend to my wounds and kiss them afterwards.

I miss her so much. Is this a sign. Why does she somehow remind of Alexis and Mira. I gulp and stare at her intently.

She gives me a sheepish smile before returning the first aid kit on the cabinet. She explained that when they were kids their mom would usually kiss the scratches they get for playing too much.

I smile genuinely. I can tell she had such a loving mother and how much she means to her. I stay quiet and lay back on the sofa when she starts cleaning off what's left of the blood stain.

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