12✿Xanders Past Haunts Him✿

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"Mr Xander! Mr Xander are you paying attention?!" the teacher yells while my eyes focus on the window watching kids play the field and my mind drifting off to oblivion.

"Xander! dude! Mrs.Yells is calling you!" a guy sitting right beside me tells me. He knows me, but as I stare at him, I don't think I know him. So I just give him a blank look but as he points someone in front, I feel a marker hit me. 'Poink!' and my head tilts back a little, I immediately stiffen as I look for the asshole who just threw a pen at me.
"Glad to have your attention back Mr.Coleens" did she just threw a pen at me.
"Are you even listening Mr.Coleens?" I snap back to reality. Oh now I get who this guys beside me is pointing at.
"I'm sorry Mrs.Yells, could you repeat the question?" I tell him, feeling a little bit sorry for not listening to her boring been there lecture.
"I wasn't asking you anything Mr. Xander, you just went off and proved to everybody that you aren't paying attention at all in my class. Detention!" She says coldly. It's not my fault her class is boring. I sigh. Great. Just great.

Just when she was about to go on about how important it is to listen to lectures, the bell finally decides to ring. Thankyou lord!.

I'm the first one to head out and went straight to my next class. I sat at the back and pull my notebook out. That's weird. The teacher's not here yet. Oh well more boredom to spare.

I start doodling on my notebook when the Principal comes in and announces that our teacher can't come in today because his wife gave birth an hour ago so he gave us homework instead and that we get to go home early.

The news made me smile. I guess this isn't such a bad day after all. Off to detention then.

I went in and gave the pink slip to the teacher before he went back to his sleep.
I sat at the back, put my earphones on, and started to read a book I borrowed from the library.

A couple of minutes passed and my phone buzzes.

Nicole: Hey baby! We still on for later?
Me: uh yeah. II'll be at the Mall at 4. Same place.
Nicole: ok! can't wait! miss you sooo much baby!

I decided not to reply. My eyebrows scrunch in disgust as I re read her texts. Baby? oh gawd we weren't even dating. She used to be my fuck buddy that's all. A part of my past I would like to forget if possible.

The only reason I'm meeting up with her is because I want to end whatever it is we have between us. She won't stop texting or annoying me. So I think it's better to talk to her and end it as soon as possible.

After 30 minutes I head out to the field for some practice. Coach made us do unlimited sit ups, push ups, cruches and sprints. Exhausting but I hope will be worth it.
I head back to the shower room and took a nice warm bath. Ready as hell I leave but before that a guy grabbed me by the shoulders.

I snap back. It's just Jake.
"Hey men me and the guys are going out to grab some food. Wanna hang out?" he squeezes my shoulder and gives me small smile.

"Uh I'd love too but I've got somewhere important to go. Maybe next time?" I tell him.
"Ok just in case you change your mind, we'll be at the mall" he replies and gives me a sympathetic smile before giving me a brotherly hug and leaves. I just nod and left afterwards.

I reached to my car and turned my Corvette's engine on. My phone suddenly rings.
And a familiar husky voice made my hands clutch on the stirring wheel.

"What do you want?!" I snap back.
I can hear him laugh.
"That's no way to talk to an old friend now Alexander" I flinch. No one hardly calls me that.
"I called to know why you're not showing up anymore. I have a job for you and I believe you have something that belongs to me Alex. I want it back "
Shit. I've been trying my best to avoid them. How'd he get a hold of my number in the first place.
"Count me out. I ain't doing anything of your shitty stuff anymore" I can hear him laugh again.
"You can't run away from me forever boy" and I immediately hung up.

This is just great I mutter to myself, one problem after another.
I got to the mall in 15 minutes and started texting Nicole to meet with me now. I remember the guys told me they'll be here and I don't want them to see me. I just want this over with. While I stare at my phone someone from behind puts her hands on my eyes.
"Guess who?" she screeches. I recognized her immediately because of the annoying voice she has, "Nicole" I reply.

She giggles.
"I missed you Xander!" she exclaims.
"Uh likewise?" I bit back. She's really annoying. -.-"

"Yeah we need to talk" I tell her.
"Sure can we do this at home, you know somewhere like my room, cause I haven't had much fun in a long time?" she wiggles her eyebrows while her fingers play with my chest.

"No we need to talk here, right now, I don't have time for your bullshit" I said in a more serious tone this time. Since she's not taking this seriously at all. I'm a jerk I know.
"Yowch" she purrs.

"Listen, we need to end this. Whatever this is we have between us has to end. You're a great girl and I think I'm not good enough for you. I don't have the time for relationships right now, I need to focus on my studies and look after Lee as well. So I'm sorry. I hope you find someone better someday. "
She stares at me blankly, obviously trying to process what I just said, typical for a bimbo, when she finally stood up, slapped me in the face and said
"you're dumping me?! Fuck you! You know what it's not my Loss! You weren't that good in bed anyways! Watch me! You'll pay for this! Nobody dumps Nicole Richards! Nobody!" and she stormed off. Youch the slap hurt like hell. I guess I deserved it, well atleast it went better than expected.

"Xan?" I look back to who was calling me, and I see Lee. What's she doing here?.

Whatcha think? :D
Xander reminds me so much of my delinquent cousin who's so overprotective of me. :3
I treat him like an older brother, that's how close we are.

I remember how he got so angry when he found out I was supposed to get a tattoo.
I decided not to after he scolded me for hours about him being a jerk and all but never thought of having a tattoo. Hahahaha yeah well I love him so I didn't get a tattoo at the end.

It's still raining. It's been a month and the sun never decided to show up.

Rainy seasons suck! :/

Please vote,comment, and share :)
Happy reading!

read, live, love! :)

COL ♡✿

Oh and a friend of mine asked me a favor to post the popular filipino quote "WALANG FOREVER!"
Yan! haha masaya ka na? bagtit!

OH,and sino pala ang fellow taga Baguio dito? PM nyo ko! Meet meet tayo! xD

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